Page 59 of The Playboy Project

I held up a hand. “I am sensing judgment here.”

“Hell yeah, you are. You’re watching true crime shows to doze off. It’s not normal.”

I stabbed at the air with my index finger. “It’s completely normal. Google it. And for God’s sake, just pick something. Anything.”

Liam grumbled, scrolling further and further down until he got to a long line of superhero movies. Victoriously, he selected the first before throwing his arm on the seat of the couch and settling back, contentment in every line of his face.

My eyes narrowed as I snuck a look at him. I had kind of thought after seeing his home and the opulence in which he must’ve been surrounded in growing up, he wouldn’t be content here. But I was wrong. My heart did a funny little dance in my chest as I watched him tuck us in eith the blanket my aunt Margie sent me for my birthday. “Are you happy now?”

“Oh, I’m very happy.” Liam savagely bit into his last egg roll then incredibly offered me a bite as well.

I swatted the digits away. “Focus on your movie. I’m kicking you out in thirty minutes.” I glanced at the clock. Nine fifty-two. I settled back as the opening scene began. I didn’t bother telling him that I loved this movie. Or that his warm body lying just below mine was more comforting than all the fleece blankets in the world.

I jolted awake, my fingers grabbing in the dim light for my phone. The numbers read twelve fifteen. I groaned, cringing at the flashing image on my TV screen. “I can’t believe I fell asleep.”

I fumbled in the dim light but then froze. Liam was still there. He had fallen victim as well and was slumped down, his chin on his chest, one arm still reaching my direction. His face was slack, his lips stupidly perfect as they puffed out a quiet snore.

I poked him once. Nothing. I poked him again. He grumbled, shifting away while still dozing.

“Liam, you’ve got to go. It’s really late.”

One heavy-lashed eye opened in my direction. “You missed your thirty-minute cut off,” he whispered, his voice sleepy and rough. His eyes strayed low, the caress of his gaze on my skin making me shiver.

“So did you. And God knows you have some horrible and incredibly important meeting tomorrow morning. Or rather, this morning.”

“I’m sure you’re right. But I don’t feel like leaving. Who would’ve thought this heinous little couch would be so comfortable.”

My jaw fell wide open while his words sent a spike of heat to my gut, where it twisted and took root, waking me up as the core of me grew damp, aching.

“What are you saying?”

“I want to stay here. With you.” His words hummed over my body.

“I thought we agreed that it’s a horrible idea for two people like us, who work together, to get involved.”

I thought he was going to smirk at me, but to my surprise, he offered a quiet, sweet smile. “I like you, Ashlyn. I like you a lot. Just for tonight, let me hold you.”

Now that roguish smile reappeared, and I dropped my chin. Everything in me screamed yes. To grab him, to drag him up onto the couch where he could settle over me. I could practically feel the way his hard lines would ride my soft. It was pain and pleasure all in one to not be able to go further. But I knew, even now, that my heart was dangerously at risk.

Liam wasn’t someone a girl could easily set aside. And sex for me meant feelings. I wasn’t changing that, not even for the passion that I knew would send us flying into next week.

“You can stay.” The words fell from my lips so naturally that I knew there was no taking them back, even if I wanted to.

“Thank God.” He rose up, sitting beside me on the couch. With gentle hands, he gripped my legs, pulling them over his knees so that his heavy, warm hands rested on my upper thighs. I could feel the heat there, pulsing between us. I sighed wistfully, wondering what those hands could do without a fabric barrier between us.

“I’ve been wanting to do this since I met you.” His mouth traced my jaw, down lower to my neck. The scape of teeth against my skin made my body arch toward him.

“You mean since I threw myself into your board meeting.”

“Absolutely. Sexiest thing I’d seen in years.” That playful smile was back, making my heart pound as he pressed against me, his lips close enough I could see the glisten of his tongue as he slowly wet them.

“You are insane,” I said, and I sounded breathless.

“You drive me insane.”

I opened my mouth, a retort on my tongue, when he groaned and leaned in, sealing his lips over mine with a kiss that sent deep, hot shockwaves through my body.

Oh my God. The man could kiss.