Page 53 of The Playboy Project

I swallowed my laughter. “You said you like these.”

Ashlyn snorted. “Well, what else do you suggest? And if you dare say I could take them off, I will end you here and now. Leden be damned.”

I snapped my mouth shut.

“Hold on. Maybe if you just twist and pull, it’ll only rip a little?”

“Permission to try?” I dropped my hands to the side of her body.

“Go for it.” Ashlyn’s arms dropped to her sides, and she went slack against me. Trying to ignore the way her ass felt under my fingers, I worked as much of the seam free before bracing my hand slightly and taking a quick jerk back.

She was free. Turning with a shout of victory, Ashlyn’s smile caught me off guard and made my heart pound heavy in my chest. I loved when she laughed like that.

“I can’t believe that just happened. First she sees me in my day-after best, and then today while I’m hanging from your crotch.” Ashlyn giggled, her hand sliding across her backside as she searched for the tear. “She probably thinks I’m insane.”

“It’ll be a great story to tell the kids someday,” I said before I thought twice.

Surprisingly she just rolled her eyes, trying to look over her own shoulder at the damage. “How bad is it?”

“Turn please,” I offered, pushing at her shoulder.

Obediently she turned on the spot.

My thoughts shuttered close as I found myself staring down at a quarter-sized hole in the cheek of her leggings, exposing the smooth flesh underneath. Interesting that my little homebody, self-proclaimed knitting champion, preferred thongs. Or maybe nothing.

Oh God. My fingers twitched against her skin.

“Is it bad?”

“Hmm,” I hummed a response, dropping to a knee against the cement of the sidewalk. “I’m not sure. I think I need a closer look.” I held her hips, shifting her until I was directly behind the gap in fabric.

“Wait…what? Liam!” She slapped a hand over the exposed skin and immediately hopped away, toppling me over as I let the laughter I’d been holding boom out into the park.

“You’re a menace,” she said, glaring daggers at me as she shifted away.

“Sorry. It was too good of an opportunity to pass up.” I stood. “It’s not that bad.”

“How am I supposed to walk like this?” She looked around us nervously, but only a few other voices were even within hearing distance.

“We could just make a run for the truck?” I cast a look that direction. I’d driven us today. My truck was parked a good two hundred yards down the path.

She hopped back and forth on her toes, clearly not excited about the idea.

“Come here.” I crooked a finger at her, grinning.

“Liam, I’m being serious now. This is embarrassing.”

“I know. Come here.”

Slowly, she moved back up to me. I swallowed the smile and turned her so that she was tucked under my arm. Deliberately, I dropped that hand low, sweeping across her back and covering the exposed skin with my palm.

“Liam!” she squealed, twisting away.

“Calm down. I’m just covering the tear. We can walk like this to my truck and then figure out what to do from there.”

Ashlyn looked up at me reproachfully, torturing her bottom lip as she went over her options. Finally, she nodded. “No funny business.”

“I would never.”

Her only response was to snort and tuck herself in even closer. I wanted to believe that it was because she liked being close, but I was pretty sure she was just scared I was showing her ass to the entire neighborhood. At least until, for just a second, her head dropped against my chest, pressing there as we slowly made our way back to my truck.