Page 36 of The Playboy Project

Ashlyn was gone.

Nothing could go right with that woman. I did not have it in me to deal with meddling baby sisters.

“Besides,” she went on, pretty face turned back to the coffee maker, “you used to thank me for scaring them off the morning after. How was I supposed to know you’d changed your mind?”

I straightened, whipping out my phone and hitting the call button next to Ashlyn’s name while I glared at my sister. “That was a long time ago, Sam. It’s pretty obvious things have changed now. I don’t need you scaring away anybody.”

“Well, that seems like a breach of communication for you, Liam. Communication is key, my dear brother. Communication. Maybe next time you’ll try texting me that you are not only alive but entertaining a very pretty blonde. That way I could use Tanner’s apartment to get my coffee fix instead of yours. Wait, where are you going?”

“Brady said some of the equipment arrived early. There’s nowhere to put it on the new commercial build site. I’ve got to go deal with the owners before they combust. And now I need to chase Ashlyn down and explain to her why a…” I gestured up and down at her, noting the Macklen for Mayor badge across her chest. My nose wrinkled before I could stop it. “Whyyouwere in my apartment at the crack of dawn.”

Sam rolled her eyes, grumbling as she huffed in the fumes from her coffee.

I held the phone to my ear. “Come on Ashlyn, pick up.”

Sam moved about the apartment, her sky-high heels clicking condescendingly against the floors. I glared at my sister, mentally adding the action of giving Sam a key to my apartment to the very long list of regrets I now had going in my mind.

“Hi. You’ve reached Ashlyn Grove…” The perky voicemail in my ear sealed the deal.

I growled, “Fuck.” I hung up and stomped down the hall. Sam rolled her eyes at my dramatics, but I kept at it. This day was a disaster, and it’d just barely gotten started. “You owe me big time, Samantha!”

“Bullshit! I only acted in sisterly protectiveness. Any girl in my situation would’ve done the same,” Sam called after me, her voice still light and uninterested in the dilemma I was currently stuck in. Ashlyn had thought last night that I was a huge asshole. Entitled. Rich. Stupid. She’d mentioned all of those things the night before. That I could take. I’d heard them all before.

But now she thought that I was a huge asshole, among other things, who cheated on his girlfriend.


Just fucking perfect.