Page 21 of The Playboy Project

Growling, I whipped up a response to Cici.

Ashlyn: I’m on it.

I hesitated for only a moment, hopping back and forth from one foot to another. Then my mind was made up.

Slamming my closet doors open, I stared at the mix of professional neutral, muted tones that awaited me before shoving to the very back, where my non-work clothes always ended up. Thumbing through the last of the hangers until I found exactly what I needed. If Liam Macklen wanted to play hardball, then he’d better be ready.

I came to win.



“This is a stupid idea.”

“Well yes, I could’ve told you that before you left the apartment.” Ian O’Malley’s voice was bored, a slight trace of his Texas drawl still lurking within some syllables.

“Why didn’t you?”

He turned those somber blue eyes on me. “Because I thought anything was better than lying around your place, ordering the same old food, watching the same old movies.”

I frowned at him. “What are you saying?”

“That you are the most boring man on the planet.”

I grunted a response. “Pot meet kettle.”

Ian rolled his eyes my way. “Whatever you need to tell yourself.”

I took a long sip of my bourbon, letting the sweet tang fill my mouth. Ian had a point. He always did, that bastard. We had met in college, I’d been wrapping up my fifth year, obsessed with avoiding graduating, and Ian was a scrapy kid in town on scholarship from Houston. He’d picked a fight at the bar, and I’d thrown the first punch. What happened in between was a bit of a blur, but by the end of the night we were inseparable. It hadn’t changed.

When my father told me that I was going to be CEO, Ian had been the first person I called. He was wicked smart with security and already handled all of Leden’s special projects, including security coordination. And above it all, he still managed to be a pretty decent best friend.

At least most days. Tonight wasn’t one of those. Tonight I wanted to throw myself across my couch, turn on ESPN, and drink a beer. But Ian had barged in, accused me of being depressed, and dragged me here, to Ardor. I mean, it made sense. I was one of the owners, but that didn’t change that I was not in the mood to deal with this kind of crowd tonight.

Justin Seeks and Tommy Holland, friends from college, dropped into the booth across from Ian and me, drawing my eye and the waitress’s. Sasha meandered our way, her hips swaying provocatively as she approached.

I almost rolled my eyes. Too easy. Justin, Tommy, and even Ian gave her an appreciative look as she leaned in to take their drink orders. When she reached me, I just tipped my half-empty glass her way. She knew to keep it full. I didn’t need to say anything else.

“Did your dad really hire some PR lady to redo your look?” Justin asked eagerly.

I glared at him then gave Ian a deadly look. Oddly enough, he was looking purposefully across the room.

“Yeah, Justin, he did.” I sipped my drink. “It’s not the first time they’ve tried to fix me into their perfect executive standard. She’ll give up soon enough. So in the meantime…” I knew my smile was smug.

Tommy chuckled. “Have you ever thought about giving it up and doing what they ask? All that kissing babies and shit?”

I snorted, gazesweeping across the club. “What fun would that be? Besides, this woman, she won’t last a week.” I thought back to Ashlyn’s cute little rump as she’d bent over and delivered the pamphlet of rules for me. She was supposed to come over tomorrow—I glanced at my watch; make that tonight—to discuss this whole rebrand with me.

I’d enjoyed egging her on. Hell, I’d really enjoyed talking with her, especially this afternoon when I’d caught her off guard by texting her. Perhaps she’d be open to adding some additional incentives into our relationship. The thought had been hounding me since our text chain this afternoon. Business and pleasure were one in the same as far as I was convinced.

I shifted upon the booth’s bench seat, guilt wiggling its way into my mind. She’d be really pissed if she discovered what I’d been up to tonight though. I had promised to read over the Grove Communication rules. Not that I actually intended to, but I would stake my life on there being a big portion of rules about going out to clubs on Thursday evenings.

“What kinds of rules did she give you?” Ian asked.

“Yea, what does she want you to do? Abstain from the ladies?” Tommy slapped Justin’s shoulder with a guffaw.

A small smile pulled at my lips. “I believe the first was that I needed to clear any public appearance with her and her team.” I couldn’t stop the small laugh that bubbled up in my chest. She’d been so fired up in my office, those flashing blue eyes lit with challenge as she dared me to not conform.