Page 11 of The Playboy Project

His jaw clenched.

“Now, the timeline is short. But I have to ask. Do we have a deal?”

Those light eyes had gone dark, drilling into my face as he digested my words, the ones I had planned out, organized, and replanned a hundred times this week. In my gut, I was terrified that I hadn’t done enough.

If I lost Liam, we would lose Grove Communications too. And I couldn’t let that happen.

“Look, I can tell you aren’t into this. I’m sure you meant to skip our meeting, to pretend like you didn't have time because no man, especially not a CEO, wants to be told by a complete stranger how to live their life. But I can’t leave until I get through this. And you can’t be CEO until you listen. So let’s just get this over with.”

Silence fell around us, an itchy, woolen blanket of uncomfortableness. Slowly he stood, a touch of that smug confidence between us. One hand planted against the polished desk surface, Liam Macklen held out his hand. “I have a better idea. I’d like to start over. For the third time, I guess. I’m Liam Macklen, future CEO of Leden Co.”

I took it, my mouth opening as the zing of pleasure from his touch swept up my arms. One quick shake. “Ashlyn Grove, associate at Grove Communications.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” His hand should’ve slid easily from mine, but it lingered, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he felt it too. That slow, pulsing warmth that worked its way up my arm from where we touched. As soon as I stepped back, his hand went quickly to his pants, where he tucked it into a pocket.

I yanked my chin up, suddenly terrified he’d make an assumption about what the heck I’d been staring at at crotch level. I took a deep breath as he came the rest of the way around to the front of the desk, getting close enough I could smell the money on his clothes. “May I begin?”

He leaned back against his desk, powerful arms crossing his chest as he watched me, those eyes so aware, as if they could cut straight through the core of me. His lips pulled back slowly, and a white smile, the first one that looked remotely genuine, was revealed.

“You have my undivided attention, Miss Grove.”