Page 10 of The Playboy Project

Liam slid his jacket off, my eyes unwillingly following the lines of his back as he hung it on a coat tree by the window. Every movement, each action was smooth, practiced, and incredibly attractive. How was that even possible that a man could hang a coat up sexily? I shook my head briefly.

“I’m Ashlyn Grove. Grove Communications is my family’s company.”

“Ah, so we have something in common.” His shoulders stretched, the shoulder seams of his light-colored dress shirt working overtime. I gulped.

“And that is?”

“We both work for our family, and we both don’t want to be here.”

“Excuse me?”

“My father has informed me that in order to ascend to my new role as CEO, I am to undergo a renovation of sorts. If I don’t, not only will he make each and every family holiday I attend a living hell, but he will also vote against my taking over his job.” He dropped his lean form into the desk chair, eyes focused on his cuffs, which he was neatly rolling up, exposing more and more of his forearm as he spoke. A heavy Rolex winked at me from his left wrist.

I stayed silent. You know that part in superhero movies where the villain monologues along and accidentally reveals more about themselves than they should? This was the first part.

“Due to some past indiscretions, there weren't many who were willing to take up that task of my renovation. Your aunt was only interested once my father hung a long-standing contract with Leden over her head. As I understand it, you make sure I am the CEO they want to vote in, and Grove Communications is set for the next decade.”

I focused hard on not letting my face betray anything. Keep chatting, Lex Luthor.

“I can tell by the shocked look on your face that you weren’t told about that little deal. I’m guessing my father has kept that pretty close to the vest. Don’t be mad at your dad or whomever is running Grove Communications nowadays.”

Oh my, he was especially grumpy. Someone needed a juice box and a nap pronto. I cleared my throat to break up his speech. It was time to get back on track. “It’s my aunt, and she did tell me about your father’s deal. Even if she hadn’t, I wouldn’t be mad at her. She’s doing what she needs to do.” I settled back into one of his guest chairs, tucking my still shaking fingers in between my knees.

He looked surprised at my calm demeanor. “Oh, well. I see. Now what I see happening is—”

“Honestly, Mr. Macklen, in this case you are my client. Which means I bring the plans to you.” I bit my lip, worrying the flesh between my teeth as I watched shock darken his tan complexion.

His eyes were smoking, warm. “I live for honesty, Ashlyn Grove with Grove Communications. But even I have my limits.”

Here was the part that would either get me thrown out on my ass or sent straight to his bank. I threw in one last desperate push.

“If you like honesty, you’ll love this part.” I crossed my legs slowly, smugness swelling in my chest as I watched his eyes follow the movement. “We’ve met before, and from that limited experience I can tell you that we’ve got a long way to go before that shareholders’ meeting. Which means you need to take this seriously. You need takemeseriously. I’m here to set you up in a way no one else could. But I’m not a babysitter, so don’t call your dad to complain that I won't let you have snacks after midnight. I’m here to work, and you need me far more than I need you.”

His handsome face stilled, and I could practically feel the blood pulse under my skin. I resisted the urge to flee. Then incredibly, his perfect jaw opened wide and a deep, full laugh spilled from his lips.

“I knew I recognized you.”

Oh no.

I jumped at the sound at first, the rich baritone sweeping around me as it filled the large office. As he trailed off, I couldn’t help the restless little movements I made, too afraid to stand, too committed to make a run for it.

He brushed one large hand against his jaw, as if he were wiping the humor off his face by force. It didn’t work, and those perfect white teeth continued to flash. “You were the one hiding from your dinner date. At the Truemore Gala last year.”

I crossed my arms. Shields up. “I wasn’t hiding. And he wasn’t my date.”

“Could’ve fooled me. On both accounts,” his lush lips teased.

Frustration leaked into my mind. I stood, heels sinking into the plush carpet below me. “This is not a joke, Mr. Macklen. Regardless of how we met, I am here to completely change your image, and we have to get started.” I held tightly to the leather padfolio. I wasn’t leaving until he talked to me. I had worked too hard. Cici and Grandpa had worked too hard to let this all fail because one grumpy playboy didn’t want to clean up his act.

He raised a hand, face registering more shock than I’d initially managed. “Okay, no jokes. I’ve got it. I do think I remember your aunt too. Though, I have to admit that you two don’t look very much alike.”

Yes, thank you Captain Obvious.

I had gotten my mother’s stick-straight, nearly blinding bright blonde hair and freckles. “But we did have common interests.” I took a bold step toward him. “I’m here to make you into the most successful, likable CEO in Leden’s history.”

“Not hard, after my father,” he said softly.

I held up a hand, halting him. “I will make you successful so that you in turn make us successful. It isn’t personal, it isn’t special, but I will need you to give me details of your life, your schedule, your preferences—heck, even your passwords. All the tools I need to make you the best candidate out there.”