
“Don’t you see? The brand could never have made the leap if we hadn’t modernized the fonting and opened ourselves to a whole new generation of craft beer drinkers.” I waggled my phone in the face of Mr. Mediocre Blond. He looked at the graphic I’d been displaying, and then, very quickly, his gaze dropped straight back down to my cleavage.

I sighed, looking around for Cici.

It was about time to make a total run for it before the guys who could afford the good stuff got a bit too handsy. Mr. Mediocre Blond had been a great dancer, a top-notch listener during dinner.

But now…yeah, he was all cleavage ogles and lusty thigh touches.

I had met plenty like him. But that didn’t mean I wanted to again. As soon as I found Cici, we could split, hit up some fast food burgers with Uber, and go home to sprawl on her couch and joke about all the insane things that the super wealthy of this town do for fun.

But first. Had to find her.

“You are gorgeous,” Mr. Mediocre Blond slurred, his cool fingers walking up the exposed skin of my thigh.

“Thank you, so are you.” I answered robotically. He’d already said this a few times.

I stood, letting his hands slide down my leg. “It was lovely to meet you…” I blanked out on his name. Stupid Chardonnay.

Or really, I should be blaming his ridiculously bland personality. But regardless, I had no idea what to call him.

My mother would’ve lost her mind if she knew I forgot the name of my dinner guest. But then, Leslie Grove was probably too nice. She was one of those types of put all the grocery carts back after she did her own and collected box-tops for the neighbor kids. A real suburban saint. I didn't have that problem. And I was going to shake off Mr. Mediocre Blond like the goddamned professional I was.

As soon as I found Cici.

“Hey wait. Ashley!” Hard nope.Ashlyn, I corrected silently.

“Goodnight Mr. Mediocre Blond,” I croon over my shoulder, fluttering my fingertips at him in a farewell.

I heard chairs scooting, and I hurried along. I spotted a touch of aquamarine blue against the wall of black suits in the corner. Thank God most of the attendees of the gala had left already and I had a straight shot to my aunt.

Habitually my fingers unlocked my phone and flew straight to Uber. One glance at my aunt told me that she was ready to go too. Her shoulders were straight back, stiff, and one look at her face told me that while she was holding her own, she was tired.

I instantly knew. This event hadn’t been as fruitful as she wanted it to be. After all, that’s why we were here.

Poor Cici. I’d buy the burgers tonight. Maybe we’d split a vanilla milkshake and blame the alcohol for our overeating like we usually did.

“Excuse me, excuse me.” I ducked my chin, plowing through the crowds of party-goers. As per usual, my aunt was surrounded by men, most of whom who stared at her in something akin to worship. And for good reason. She looked stunning in her floor-length gown. She’d gone full formal, her dark-blonde hair a curled frame to a pretty, inviting face that defaulted to a smile that shone like a beacon.

In my cocktail-length black dress, I drew more than enough eyes on my own. But I wasn’t interested in any attention other than the first drive-thru speaker I could find.

Distantly, I feel like I could still hear my dinner date calling me by the wrong name. Dammit Mediocre Blond. Take a note.

“Miss. Excuse me, miss!”

I hurried faster, finally breaking through the worst of the cluster.

Warm fingers gently pressed into my arm, making me turn with a gasp.

“Excuse me. You dropped your bag.”

My fingers flew across my stomach, realizing that my clutch was, in fact, missing in action.

I turned back to the stranger who had stopped me. And my jaw dropped. It was a good thing I didn’t have my bag to hold on to anymore, because I would’ve dropped it. The stranger holding my bag out to me was nothing less than swoon-worthy.

Literally swoon worthy.