Why do I feel empty inside?

Why does everything feel… wrong?

No. No more of this.

I watch Joel and Miles toss a frisbee while Mackie and Sarah heckle them. Rae’s got her eyes set on me with the sexiest fucking look on her face.

This is what life is about.

I put on a cheerful smile and walk over. Rae jumps into my arms and my heart swells. Miles and Joel jog over and collapse on the blanket, Joel half on top of Sarah. She giggles and shoves him off.

“What did I miss?”

“We were talking about going to that frat party tonight. What do you think?” Joel asks.

I glance at Rae. She’s never been big on parties, but especially not after what happened. “It sounds good to me.” Then my lips brush her ear and I whisper, “We’ll leave whenever you want, okay?”

She smiles softly and leans against me. “Sounds good.”

I take a deep breath and sit down with Rae as she pulls food out of a picnic basket.

Push everything else down.

Focus on where you are right now.

It’s gonna be fine.


I hate parties.

But in the spirit of being a college freshman, I decided to give this one a chance. Plus, Aaron is glued to me. And that never feels like a bad thing. In fact, I could get on board with this whole party thing if it means I’m in his arms all night. Even if it is strange looking around and not seeing Trevor laughing with Nick and Jamie bagging one of the hottest girls. I miss the comfort of a country party with a big field out back and a bonfire.

Mackie, Joel, and Sarah are laughing over by the bar. Miles is by the stairs with a perfect vantage point. I hate that he doesn’t have as much fun at parties after what happened. But I appreciate that he’s the kind of guy who makes sure everyone is safe.

Sarah, Mackie, and Joel find us, loaded up with shots. They wave Miles over.

Sarah shoves one in my hand. “What is it?”

“Tequila!” she yells.

I’ve never had tequila. I guess we’ll see how this goes. We clink our shots together and down them. As I swallow, I pull the glass from my lips. That went down way too easily. So, when Sarah suggests we do another, I decidewhat the hell?Might as well, right?

It’s college. A college party. Let’s have some fun.

Another shot that goes down smooth. The warmth of the alcohol flows through me, and I feel myself loosening up.

Sarah drags Mackie and me to the dance floor, and we dance together as the boys watch.

Miles is smiling. Joel’s eyes are all over Sarah. And Aaron. Mm. He’s licking his lips as he watches every move I make.Okay, maybe this is fun.Dancing with my girls is always fun. I guess this is why Sarah loves parties. Theoretically, this is how they should be. I just haven’t had the best experience with them.

Warm breath tickles my ear as a large arm wraps around my waist. A chill rolls through me in the best way.

“I brought your favorite,” Aaron says, sliding a small cup of spiked orange soda into my hand as he grinds against me.

Letting one hand roll up and twist at the hair on the back of his neck, I press my butt against his pelvis.

We dance for what feels like hours. Sometimes grinding. Sometimes swaying gently. And occasionally, Sarah and Mackie steal me to dance with them.