Mackie smiles and says, “Okay, let’s talk about happier things. Sarah, how are you liking the nursing program?”

Her eyes get big and she nods slowly. “It’s intense, but I love it. Like, I know with certainty it’s what I want to be doing. And as a bonus, there are some hot pre-med students in some of my classes.” She fans herself as we all laugh.

“That’s how I feel about counseling. Minus the hot guys. I already found mine.”

“How’s Aaron liking the teaching stuff?” Mackie asks between bites.

I’m biting at my lip again. “I’m not sure. He doesn’t seem to be enjoying his classes. But again, he hasn’t really wanted to talk, so I haven’t pushed it.”

Miles reaches out and squeezes my hand. “Hey, he’s gonna be okay.”

“Yeah,” Mackie chimes in. “It’s not like I have any idea what I want to do. We don’t have to know exactly what we’re doing right away.”

I swallow the lump in the back of my throat. The one that creeps up whenever I worry about Aaron. Something feels off.

“Give him some time,” Miles says. “We’re all settling into this. Once he gets over that hump, things should settle down.”

I nod lightly, then look across the room where Joel and Aaron are walking in, laughing the whole way. My eyes track him as he gets to the table. He plops into the chair next to me and kisses the spot between my neck and my cheek. He’s happy. And sexy. And making me melt into a puddle.

Maybe Miles is right, maybe I am reading too much into this.


I fucking hate this class.

This professor is an egotistical jackass, and it’s only the second day of this class.

Come to think of it, I’m not sure I’ve liked any of my classes.

Of course, being that I was planning to become an English teacher, I thought a more serious literature class would be better, rather than take the espionage fiction class with Rae.

Yet another dumb decision I made when it comes to school.

It’s the third day of classes and I’m already miserable. I love spending time with Rae, but beyond that? What the fuck do I have? Yeah, the campus is beautiful, but everything else is fucked.

Apparently, even my friendships. I told Joel I was fine, but I’m not. He never stops trying to push me with this baseball shit, and it’s starting to piss me off now. Mostly because it hurts like hell. I want what I can’t have. I would give anything to be on that mound again, but therapy didn’t do jackshit for me. It was another frustrating reminder of what I couldn’t do and a waste of my parents’ money.

I crack my knuckles out of habit. It’s been over a year, but I still forget how much it hurts. Wincing, I look down at my notebook. I haven’t written a thing down. It’s hard to want to take notes when you feel this disengaged. I’m stuck in classes I hate, for a major I now know I don’t want to pursue. NowI’ma waste of my parents’ money.

The professor goes on, enjoying the sound of his self-important voice.

I hurry out of class as soon as it’s over. Thank fuck that’s done. At least I don’t have to deal with any of that bullshit for the weekend.

No, instead I can sit in my own head and stress about what the fuck I’m doing.

As I walk toward the dorm, I get a text.

Beautiful: Hey, you done with class?

Me: Yep.

Beautiful: Awesome! We’re having a picnic by the lake for lunch. Come find us.

Me: Be there soon.

I know Rae has some idea that something is bothering me, but I haven’t talked with her about it. Because, honestly, it feels stupid.

I have two great parents and some awesome friends. I’m going to college debt-free because of my parents’ support. I have literally everything I could want. As I get close to the grassy area by the lake, I see Rae waving at me. And I have the love of my life.