I love her.


I wake up to the gentle beeping of the alarm on my phone. I roll over and reach for Aaron, but finding nothing but cold bed, I sit up and grab my phone. On top of it is a note. I quickly silence the alarm and read it.


I hated leaving without waking you up, but you were out cold. Joel wanted to get in a morning workout, so I snuck out. I set your alarm so you wouldn’t sleep late and made coffee. Sarah also texted you a few times. And just so you know, Joel and I are fine. I knew it would bother you all day if you didn’t know. I love you. I’ll see you for breakfast later.


I hold the note to my chest. He’s so freaking sweet. I climb out of bed and throw on one of Aaron’s sweatshirts before heading to the common room for some coffee. I sit down with a mug and check my phone.

Sarah: Rae baby wakey pakey!! Are you gonna meet us for breakfast?

Sarah: Raeeeeeeee

Sarah: It’s official. Sex with Aaron makes you sleep too good.

Sarah: Mackie and I are meeting Miles for breakfast at 8:30. Meet us if you ever get up! Love you.

I laugh out loud. She’s so dramatic sometimes.

Me: I will see you there. And you might be right about the sex ;)

I finish my coffee and quickly put on the clothes I brought with me last night before heading to meet Sarah, Miles, and Mackie for breakfast.

“Hey,” I say, sliding into a chair next to Sarah.

“Finally crawled out of A’s bed?” Miles asks with a deep laugh.

I roll my eyes, then smirk while shrugging my shoulders. “What can I say? College is fun.” My smile falters slightly, though I try to prevent it. Of course, Sarah immediately notices.

“What’s that look?”

“Nothing,” I say quickly.

Mackie lightly kicks my leg. “Since when do we lie to each other?”

“I’m worried about Aaron. He and Joel had a fight yesterday, and I could tell… I don’t know. Aaron was upset, but he wouldn’t talk to me about it.”

Miles sighs. “I had a talk with Joel yesterday. They seemed fine this morning, so I assumed it was all okay.”

“Aaron said it was. But I don’t know… he’s hurting about not playing this year, but he won’t talk to me about it. He’s neverreallytalked to me about any of it. I never wanted to push. I’ve noticed he seems off lately, and it worries me.”

“I think you might be reading too much into it,” Miles says simply. “Baseball was a big part of his life, just like it was mine. It’s an adjustment not to have it every day.”

“Yeah,” I counter, “but you didn’tlosebaseball, Miles. You chose not to play. You didn’t have it ripped away from you. It’s not the same thing.”

Miles nods. “I suppose that’s true.”

“You think he’s struggling that much?” Sarah asks.

I flip my hand around in my hair and bite at my lip. “That’s the thing. I don’t know because he won’t talk to me.”

Miles shoves almost an entire piece of toast in his mouth, chews aggressively, and then swallows. “Look, a lot of times guys like to work shit out alone. But I’ll try to check in with him, okay?”

I reach over and squeeze his hand. “Thanks, buddy. I appreciate it.”