He pulls the curtain and slides the window open just as a fist was about to knock against it, sending said fist through the open window.

No. Please. No. Please don’t be…


Jesse jolts back as Aaron climbs through.

Fuck my life.

Seriously, just fuck my life.

God, universe, fate, whoever, if this is your way of telling me I shouldn’t have slept with Jesse, message received. Now if you could just give me something useful, like a time machine, that’d be great.

And I have not said a word.

Aaron’s eyes are on Jesse before slowly drifting to me as realization hits.

“I’m gonna go,” Jesse says before rushing out the window.

I throw my hand up in a dumbass wave before running it through my hair.

“Aaron. I, um—”

The pain in his eyes is soul crushing. I know that pain. I’ve felt that pain. I fully hate myself right now.

“I shouldn’t have just come in. I wanted to talk to you, but, um, it’s not that important…” he pulls his ball cap off and runs a hand through his hair before putting it back down.

“No, Aaron. I—”

“We’ll talk later, okay?”


He nods and climbs out the window, shutting it hard behind him.

Groaning, I throw myself back against the mattress, flipping onto my stomach and burying my face in my pillows, cursing myself, and life, and this whole situation.

Footsteps cross my floor before a soft hand lands on my back.

“Rae baby?”

I shake my head against the pillow.

“Talk to me, please,” Sarah says.

Hugging my pillow, I reluctantly lift my head and look at her. “I fucked up.”

She sits down on the chest next to my bed, gently cups my cheek, and gives me a soft smile. “You slept with Jesse?”

I give a tiny nod, still wishing this was a nightmare I could wake up from.

“But that wasn’t enough, because then Aaron walked in and saw and—”

“Shh.” She smooths a hand over my hair as I sniff back tears.

“You should’ve seen the look in his eyes,” I whisper.

“Aaron pretty much did the same thing. I think he’ll understand.”