Relief flooded him along with a renewed pulse of desire that damn near strangled him. “I’m so healthy I should be two people.”

She choked out a laugh. “I only need one of you at the moment.”

He grinned. Hell, he’d never talked with a woman once he had her naked. He’d never joked with one, either. Colleen was different on so many levels from every other woman he’d ever known. There was another hard lurch in his chest as his heart thudded like a jackhammer. He wasn’t going to examine anything here. Now wasn’t the time for thinking—it was just about feeling.

“That’s what you’re gonna get, babe,” he promised and moved to cover her body with his.

Finally, skin to skin. The soft smoothness of her flesh sang against his. Her breasts rose and fell with the quickness of her breath and she lifted one leg to stroke her foot along his calf. Sensations coursed through him, too fast and too many to count. And he didn’t need to. Didn’t need to worry about a damn thing but getting where he needed to be.

He eased back on his haunches, looked down at her and spread her wide. Stroking her core with his fingertips, he smiled as she twitched and writhed before him, as frantic, as desperate as he.

“Sage, don’t make me wait anymore.” She lifted her hips in invitation and offered a weak smile. “If you’re not inside me soon, I may explode.”

“Can’t have that,” he said, and leaned over her, pushing his body into hers in one swift, sure stroke.

“Sage!” She arched up off the floor at his invasion and he held perfectly still, though it cost him, until she began to adjust to the size of him. Once she had, she moved, lifting her hips, taking him deeper. That provocation was all he needed. He moved against her, his hips rocking, settling into a fast, hard rhythm that she matched. Breaths mingled, kisses lingered, as bodies raced along the line of tension stretched so tautly between them. Hands explored, whispered words lifted into the silence, and the sighs and groans of two bodies merging became a kind of music.

Sage felt surrounded by her, engulfed by her, and he’d never known anything quite like it. Her slick heat held him, her body welcomed him and her hands left trails of fire along his skin wherever she touched him.

Again and again, they parted and came together, each of them eager for the climax just out of reach. Each of them trying to draw out the moment. His mind raced, his heartbeat thrummed in his ears. She locked her incredible legs around his hips and called his name out as the first wave of tremors crashed down on her. He felt every one of them and took her mouth in a hard, deep kiss, swallowing her cries, her breath, everything he could, drawing her into him in every way possible.

And then he let himself follow. Finally surrendering his slippery grip on control, he tumbled off the edge of the world and felt her arms come around him to cushion his fall.

* * *

Colleen didn’t want to move. Ever. She’d be happy here, forever, just like this, on the hard floor with Sage’s muscular body covering hers. She felt alive in a way she never had before. It was as if her entire body had suddenly awakened from a deep sleep. Her heartbeat slowly returned to normal even as she still shook with the force of the release she’d found with Sage.

And already, one pesky corner of her mind was springing into life trying to quantify what had just happened. Trying to explain the unexplainable.

She wasn’t a virgin. She’d had sex exactly twice before this time, and looking back, she had to admit that neither of those times had come even close to what she’d just experienced.

In fact, it wasn’t very long ago that Colleen had decided she simply wasn’t a very sexual person. That maybe she was one of those people who would never see fireworks or feel the earth move during sex.

Well, she told herself with a self-satisfied grin, so much for that theory.

Sage eased up onto one elbow, and instantly, she missed the feeling of him lying atop her. “You okay?”

“Oh, yeah,” she said on a sigh. “I’m terrific. You?”

He laughed shortly. “I think so. Come on, that floor can’t be too comfortable.”

“I’d rather stay here until my legs work again, thanks.”

He shook his head and gave her an all-too-brief smile. “I think that’s the nicest thing any woman’s ever said to me.”

And there had no doubt been plenty of them, Colleen thought sadly. The sophisticates. The skinny women with tiny feet in designer shoes. Ah, yes. Well, that thought was enough to put a damper on the lovely residual heat spreading inside, and have her moving to sit up and grab for her clothes.