Colleen dropped onto the edge of the bed, pushed the suitcase out of the way and faced her friend. “Fine. I’m a little anxious about being alone up there, I admit it, but I’ll get used to it. And Jenna, I’m not helpless or stupid. I’ll take care and I’ll make sure to get help if I need it.”

“I know.” Jenna nodded and shrugged helplessly. “Maybe I just don’t want you to move away.”

Colleen leaned in and gave her friend another hug. “I’ll miss you, too. But we’ll still see each other.”

“Oh, you bet we will. You’re not going to get rid of me that easy.” Jenna handed her the folded shirt. “But do me a favor. When you see the cabins, even if you fall in love...don’t make a hasty decision. I don’t want you to rush into something that you won’t be able to get out of easily.”

That was good advice. And not just about the cabins. She was about to head off to stay at the home of a man who turned her knees to mush. Was she already in way too deep for her own good? Would she get out now if she could?


Colleen thought about it while she finished packing and realized that if it would be smart to stay far, far away from Sage Lassiter...she’d rather be stupid.

* * *

It had only been a week.

But in that week, Sage had spent a lot of time with Colleen and when he wasn’t with her, she was filling his mind. He still wasn’t sure how she’d managed it, but whenever they were together, she actually got him to talk. He’d opened up to her about his ranch, his plans, his life—something he hadn’t done with anyone else. Not even Dylan or Angelica.

Colleen had slipped up on him. He hadn’t expected to actually like her. Hadn’t thought that he’d want her so badly that every night was a torture and every day was a lesson in self-control. Plus, he was no closer to finding out what he needed to know than he had been before this started.

Was this a deliberate maneuver on her part? Suck him in, distract him with her big blue eyes and then set the sexual tension bar so damn high that he couldn’t think straight?

If that was her plan, it was a damn good one.

Hell, he hadn’t even kissed her. How could he be this torn up and feel so out of control over a woman he hadn’t even kissed?

“And why haven’t you kissed her?” he asked himself in disgust. Because he knew that the moment he tasted her, took that luscious, amazing mouth with his, that there would be no stopping. He’d have to have all of her. And that had not been the plan. But then, he’d expected that he would have answers by now. Since this was going to take longer than he’d thought, the plan had to change.

As that thought settled into his mind, Sage took his first easy breath in a week. Talking to her wasn’t working, so he would seduce any secrets she held out of her. He’d use sex—crazed, hot, sweaty, incredible sex—to find out if she was withholding any information he might need to contest the will.

Then when he had what he needed, he would walk away.

She wasn’t the kind of woman to go for a one-night stand, and once she discovered that was all he was willing to offer her, she’d let him walk.

But first, he would have her. Under him. Over him. And then he’d finally be able to get her out of his mind.

He scrubbed both hands over his face, then adjusted the fit of his jeans, hoping to ease the ache that had locked around his groin for the past week. It didn’t help. Nothing would. The only way to ease that pain was to bury himself inside Colleen and thankfully, that was about to happen. He’d felt the chemistry between them. Knew that she was strung as tightly as he was. Seducing her wouldn’t be difficult.

She was going to be here. Every day. Every night. He could hear her voice in his mind again: Will you show me what I need to know? Oh, there was plenty that he wanted to show her and very little of it had to do with survival.

What the hell had he been thinking, asking her to stay here? “Must be a closet masochist,” he muttered darkly.

Or he had been, before he’d altered his plan. But things were different now. When Colleen finally showed up here at the house today, he was going to do what he should have done days ago: kiss the hell out of her. And then he’d get her into his bed as quickly as possible and scramble her mind so completely, she’d tell him whatever he needed to know.

Gritting his teeth against yet another wave of desire thrumming inside him, he turned into the stable and headed down the long center aisle. The familiar scents of horses, straw and leather combined to welcome him and he sighed in gratitude. One thing he could count on was that being with the horses he bred and raised eased his mind. Here, he could push thoughts of Colleen aside—however briefly.