Page 29 of Enchanting Her Mate

He does not, however, because his weakness is his pride, which will be the death of him.

“It is not enough time for our coven to gather the supplies we need,” Tibik says.

“That is not true,” Rulya says, stunning me to silence with her reply. She has never disagreed with Tibik before. Her mouth curves up on one side as she looks at me, then adds, “We have most of the supplies already. We will just need to find something for the final phase.”

“So you are saying we can hold theKituva Bravatithis eve?” I ask, excitement pumping through my blood at the prospect of defeating Tibik this soon.

Rulya nods. “Yes, I shall locate the supplies for the final phase while Divahni and Qayeko clear the space and alert the clan.”

“Where should the event be held?” Divahni asks.

Tibik’s cheeks and neck darken as he says, “There is not enough space within the village to do this. We must find another location.”

I cannot let that happen. While I am confident my power could best his, I still do not trust him. If he is given time to find another location, I am certain he will do something to manipulate the space and use it to his advantage. If we have the test this eve, he will not get the chance to do so.

“No, we shall hold it this eve, on the main path of the village,” I say. “Let the entire clan watch.”

The younger Hexrins exchange glances of exhilaration before they rush off to tend to their respective tasks, leaving Tibik and me alone.

“You will regret this, Jobaki,” he grits. “You are not courageous enough to be our Prime.”

Perhaps the latter is true, but I do know he is wrong about the former. No matter what happens, I am certain I will not regret it.

As soon as the sun sets and the glow of the full moon shines through the trees, the clan gathers on either side of the main path, a crackle of anticipation filling the air as everyone’s eyes are locked on Tibik and me.

Normally, any kind of ceremony or event is held at the far end of the path where the food hall is located. There is usually a meal component to our events, and the setting has adequate seating to accommodate the entire clan. But since the food hall is currently in a shambolic state and this is not an event where food is served, we are holding theKituva Bravatifarther down the path.

Kate uses a rope with strange markings on it to measure the distance between Tibik and me. “Twenty feet,” she says with a smile.

I stare at the space, trying to decipher her meaning. “Feet? There are not ten clan members standing between us. They stand alongside the path with their feet.”

Kate laughs loudly. “It’s a measurement we used on Earth. Not actual feet.”

“And twenty feet of distance is a good thing?” I ask.

“I don’t know,” she says with a shrug. Then she dangles the rope in front of me, showing off the markings. “I just made this. Isn’t it cool? It’s like a crude measuring tape.”

Her words make no sense, but I nod, agreeing with words I have heard her say many times: “Quite cool…Kayt.”

“Hey, are you sure about this?” she asks, turning to face me. “I don’t want you rushing into this because you’re in pain and just want some kind of release for that anger.”

“But it will be such a satisfying release, no?” I reply with a smirk. Her concern is flattering, but I am not sure Kayt is aware of how long I have wanted to do this, or how easily I can defeat a male like Tibik.

“Your supplies are set up in order of the challenge phases,” Rulya says at my side.

I look over her work, pleased with the organization and timeliness in which she and the other Hexrins put this together. “Are you sure you are comfortable explaining the rules to the clan?”

Her smile is wide as she nods eagerly. “Yes, I am.”

“Very well,” I tell her, gesturing for her to step into the center of the path.

She does and clears her throat. Her posture takes on a kind of authoritative grace that I have not seen before. Rulya is looking forward to this entire event, it seems.

“Attention, Clan!” she shouts, and a hush falls over the crowd.

Kayt gives me a hug before rushing off to find her mate. My heart squeezes at the thought of Alu cheering me on from somewhere among the clan, but that is merely a daydream I must push away as I cannot let the thought of her, with her thick, sumptuous lips and muscular thighs, interrupt my focus.

Then I remember how badly she wanted this for me. She was thrilled at the prospect of me standing up to Tibik and being courageous enough to claim the role of Prime. She even helped me visualize what it would feel like to take that step and lead the clan, and the feeling was glorious.