Page 9 of One Night by

Chapter Six

After Keni ate and insisted we get milkshakes, she wasn’t ready to go home yet.

“Jacob, you need a car. How much can you spend?” she asked, then sipped from the straw. Well, my account has money, but I rather not spend much. “My earnings are slim, and I have to find a place to live. I can’t stay on your sister’s couch forever.”

She laughs out loud, “you’re sleeping on her couch?” We stop at the red light, and I turn to face her, “Uh yeah, why?” She nods and opens the window.

“You two are a joke. One day you’ll both wake up.” She leans back, closes her eyes, and enjoys the wind on her face as we make our way through town. We pull up to the used car lot on the edge of town.

I put the car in park, and we exit. I walk up to an apple red Packard, in mint condition, and all I can think, as I run my finger along the length of it, is I need this car.

“OMG- that’s the car from the fucking video!” Keni yells, jumping up and down with excitement. I guess she is feeling better now that she has some food in her stomach.

“Yes, it is,” the salesman walks over and introduces himself, “I’m Mack, welcome. Can I help you find something?” He says Kendra quickly starts fixing herself as if she’s a little nervous.

I reach out and shake his hand, “Jacob, how much for her?” He walks around and gives me the rundown.

“It’s a beautiful, mint condition. I rebuilt it myself. I’d hate to see it go, but you look like you appreciate her value.” His eyes never leave Keni’s direction, and she blushes.

“You are talking about the car, right? Because this is my sister.” His head turns in my direction, “nice to know.” Stepping over to the car, he leans in and starts the engine. It’s like music to my ears.

“How much?” I ask again, a little giddy with excitement. I know my funds are low, but the trust fund my grandmother left for me has never been touched, and I want this car.

“Let’s go inside, and we can talk.” He leads us through the repair garage into an office, where Keni sits with her back straight and chest out. Mack excuses himself to retrieve paperwork.

“What the fuck, Keni? Put them away.” I say, snapping my head in another direction. I do not want to witness her flirting. It’s just, no! First Nicki at Diesel’s, now Keni. I rub my fingers over my face and try to dismiss the images. My little sisters aren’t so little anymore.

“Fine, I’ll go back to my car. Are you really going to buy it? Mom and dad are going to flip,” she squeals, clapping her hands and skipping out the door.I can’t help the smile and excitement building.

An hour later, I texted Dani and Nicki to meet us at the Johnson family home for a barbecue, my treat. After setting the plan in motion, I sent Keni home and drove down to the local supermarket with the convertible.

I throw burgers, dogs, chicken, some rolls, and side salads in my cart.

Kendra text: Everyone’s here.

I reply: Be there in ten.

Once I make it across town, I push in my music tape, and Cherry Pie starts blaring from the speakers. I park the car in front, and Julie and David rush from the front door as Dani, Nicki, and Keni come from the side of the house where the cornhole is set up.

I get out, round the car, cross my legs, and land against the passenger door.

“Holy fuck!” Dani runs up to the car. Seeing her excited makes the price tag worthwhile. Julie and David start dancing to the song on the front lawn, and we all have a good laugh.



“You did not buy this car!” my eyes go wide with disbelief as I stop short to admire the beauty. “I did,” Jacob answers with a grin from ear to ear.

When the song ends, he turns the car off, and I help grab the bags, and we make our way to the backyard.

“What made you buy it?” His smile is contagious. “When I saw the candy apple red car, I had to.It brought back all our summer memories. Cherry Pie was there waiting for me.” He says.

“Geez, it seems like all the girls in your life do a lot of waiting,” Nicki mumbles just loud enough for us to hear. What the fuck is she talking about? I ignore her, and Dad starts the grill.

Jacob explains, “I figure we can take her to the car shows this summer. I’ll pick up a beater to get around town, but when I saw her, I just knew I needed to have her.”

When Dad walks down, we all reach in and grab our portions while salads are passed around the table.