Page 8 of One Night by

Chapter Five


I need to go do something. I can’t sit here while she is on the other side of the wall, all wet and ugh, and a tie. She owns a tie? What has my little innocent Danielle been up to all these years? What has she not been telling me?Forget it. I let my mind wander into dangerous territories. The dreams I have of her, could she be doing all those things with someone else?

Do I really want to know?

I grab the pen from the counter and leave a note.

Be back later. I took the spare key.

I close the door behind me and feel anger building inside. Suddenly I want to hit something or someone.

No, I do not want to know.

I pull my cell from my pocket and hit Diesel with a text: You up?

Crossing the street, I find comfort in the warm sun. Before I know it, I’m climbing the steps and banging on Diesel’s front door.

The door pry’s open slowly, and to my surprise, Nicki is standing there in Diesel’s shirt and nothing else but panties. She runs her fingers through her hair as if I’ve awakened her.

“Why in the loving fucking hell are you banging on the door so early in the morning?” Forgetting they work late hours, I apologize. I wasn’t thinking at all. My mind was all over the place, stuck on Dani. Doing the nasty, using a tie while some jerk touched her soft skin. I shake my head.

“Sorry, I didn’t realize you and Diesel were a thing.” She waves me off and retreats into his apartment.

“We’re not.” She grabs her pants and slides them on. Diesel stumbles out of the bathroom.

“What’s up, bro?” He rubs his hand over his face.

“Nothing, I obviously interrupted. I’ll go. I’ll swing by later.” I grab the door handle and escape the uncomfortable feeling of seeing my little sister half-naked. And what is she thinking, fucking Diesel?

Don’t get me wrong, he is a great guy, but he always came across as a one-woman man.

Nicki is in no way ready to put down roots. She is the biggest party animal I know. Shit, she can drink half my squad under the table, and I think she fucked the other half when we came here on leave last year.

The guys used to bust my chops because I wouldn’t want to hear the stories of their wild time with someone I consider a sister. But as they say, she was an adult, and she was who came onto them. So I should stay out of it.

With nowhere else to go, I find myself wandering the streets. Without realizing I find myself standing at the end of the driveway of my parent’s home. I don’t miss this place at all.

A mistake is what they called me more often than not. It’s why I was sent away to school. It’s why in the summers when I was home, they made plans and business trips, so they weren’t. And it is exactly why when dear old dad told me to join the family business or get out, I packed up and left. Never looking back.

I cross over and knock on Johnson's door.

“Good morning David,” I greet the man I consider more of a father than the business suit who paid to keep me out of his hair.

“Morning, son,” he says, and we make our way into the kitchen to find Julie making sandwiches. It’s late morning, and they already have the oldies station on the radio. Recalling all the days when we were kids, I’d come in, and they would be dancing around the room.

I kiss her on the cheek and find a seat at the table, “so, has the birthday girl made it out of bed yet?”

They throw each other a glance, and Julie turns, placing a plate down for David.

“Welp, she threw up three more times after she got here. Then proceeded to pass out on the stairs.” She rolls her eyes.

“Lightweight,” I chime in, and we laugh. With that, a shuffling noise comes from the doorway.

“Mom, Aleve, please. For fucks sake, can you lower the damn radio?” She is a complete mess. Hair in every direction possible, her mascara smeared to the point she looks like a raccoon. I quickly pull my phone and snap a picture.

“Keni, how about a nice juicy –” She throws her hands up over her ears and narrows her eyes. Giving me the death glare, stopping my next words.

“Jacob, I love you. But for the love of God, if you finish that sentence, I will have to kill you.” She plops down on the chair and places her head against her arms.

“I know what you really need.” I begin, “Taylor ham, egg, and cheese.”

Her head slowly lifts, “that does sound good.”

“Mm, hmm. But I’m not going anywhere with you looking like that.” I nod, dismissing her to clean up. She pushes herself off the table, “give me ten, and you’re driving.” I smile. She probably woke up still feeling tipsy.

“You are so good to my girls. I’m glad they have you.” David lifts his glass of soda, and with a smile, he drinks.

“I’m the lucky one.” These people are my family. My best friend, my two little sisters, and my parents don’t mind spending time with you.