Page 6 of One Night by

“Really? I wouldn’t want to get in the way of your love life.” I roll my eyes. What love life? “Jacob, we are friends, best friends, to be exact. What kind of person would I be if I didn’t offer? Besides, if I was involved with someone, they would have to understand and accept that you are part of it.”He leans over and kisses my cheek. “I love you, and I’m going to take you up on the offer. Thanks.”

We sit listening to the music, and I listen as he talks about his time serving. He and his buddies would engage in the shenanigans during their downtime. As Nicki waves her arms in the air, I'm distracted frantically. I jump from the table. Jacob immediately follows as we make it halfway to the dance floor. We witness Nicki and Keni holding her friend, Jillian, and they, rushing past us toward the bathroom.

“Looks like the party’s over,” I say and follow them in.

Once she pukes, and we get her cleaned up, Kendra admits she is done. Thank God for the wall, or she’d be on the floor. I glance at my watch, “all good, kiddo, it's almost closing time. Did you have fun?” She nods and stumbles to the door. When she yanks it open, Jacob is there to catch her.

“I have Diesel bringing your car around,” he says, and I’m grateful I don’t have to do this alone.

We make our way through the bar and grab Erika. When we step outside, the cool air is refreshing. Nicki follows us out, “I’m going to stay to help clean up and close out. You sure you can drive everyone home?” she asks. “Yeah, thanks for tonight.” I step over and wrap her in my arms. She may be the wild and crazy one, but she will always have our backs when it comes to family and friends.

Jacob helps me put the girls in my car. “I’ll follow you. Make sure you don’t need help.” I giggle, “Thanks, two stops. Erika and Jillian are in the dorms on River Road, then Keni is going home.” He nods, gets in the rental car, and parks a few spots up.

With a glance in the side-view mirror, I make sure no one is coming and pull out onto Cedar Lane.

Thirty minutes later, I am parked in front of my parents’ house, and Kendra is passed out drunk in the back seat. With my cell phone, I snap a few photos so I can break her chops at a later date.

Once I have enough, I get out and lean against the passenger door. Jacob is parked behind me, and I hear him exit and walk over to join me. We talk for a little while, giving Keni some time to wake up. “I’ll come to the apartment tomorrow then,” and I nod my head in agreement. Suddenly, the back door swings open, and Kendra pukes on the side, against the curb. Gross.

“Well, at least she didn’t puke in the car.” Jacob chuckles as he holds the door for her.

“Come on, kiddo.” I grab some tissues from the box on my front seat and wipe her face the best I can. I swing one arm around her and Jacob and guide her up the small path to the door. My dad opens it as we approach as if he’s been waiting for this moment. He snaps a photo and quickly tosses his phone onto the table to the side.

“Blackmail,” he wiggles his eyebrows. I laugh, “I did the same.” My arm slides down her back, trying to steady her on her own two feet. She sways back and forth.

“To be young again,” Dad says and slides his arm around her, then under her legs, cradling Keni like he did when she was a little girl. “I love you, Daddy,” she says, and her head falls back.

“Thanks, Dad, night. Love you, talk to you tomorrow.” He blows me a kiss and retreats into the house. I close the door and lock it up for him.

Jacob and I say our goodnights, and I thank him for his assistance. “I’m glad you're back, see you tomorrow!” I close my car door and head home.

Once inside, I cozy up on the couch, turn the TV on and fall asleep before I even decide what to watch.

Yeah, to be young again.



It was bittersweet holding Dani in my arms again. David and Julie are always so kind. It was good to have dinner with them all. Diesel offered some hours at the bar until I could find better work, which would help me get my own place. The elevator door opens on the third floor, and I follow the worn-down carpet to my room, slide the key in, and the green lights flash.

Once the door is closed and I’m inside, I glide the chain on, kick off my boots, unbutton my jeans and pull my shirt over my head.

I lie back and turn the TV on, grab my phone and pull up my photo album.

My favorite picture stares back at me. Dani and I were standing outside in the sun, she in her bikini and I in my long shorts. Her smile was so big as she laughed at something stupid I said. It was so natural, so innocent, and so beautiful. It’s when I think I realized I loved her. Not like a sister, not like Nicki or Keni.

No, there was definitely something between us. I felt it on Prom night when we kissed. So, when she started seeing that dickhead Jarred, I knew I couldn’t stay around and watch. The next week I went for my physical and officially joined the military.

It hurt so much seeing her spend time with another, almost as bad as getting shot in my shoulder. I unknowingly rub the scar.

With a yawn, I grab the pillow, tuck it under my arm, close my eyes and willingly fall asleep.