Page 5 of One Night by

With a nod, I motion to a secluded table. Apart from the younger crew, he follows with a smile.

Once we are seated, I listen to the music and feel his eyes on me.

“What?” I question why he is sitting and staring in my direction.

“Nothing. I guess I didn’t realize how much I missed you.” He takes the bottle of beer to his lips. “I’m so glad you’re here.” I take my glass and hold it up in salute, then sip. The girls to the right of us stand and start cheering. Looking over Jacob’s shoulder, I see the light come through the doorway.

Kendra walks in, raises her arms, and yells, “let’s drink bitches!” Screeching echoes throughout the room.

My parents scan the table of booze and send each other a silent message. When they turn, they notice us, off to the side in the corner, and make quick use to escape the craziness that has begun.

Immediately, Jacob stands and sticks out his hand, “Good evening David, Julie. Nice to see you again.” My father takes his hand, shakes then pulls him in for a hug. Mom follows suit and does the same. “Welcome home, son.”

They have always welcomed Jacob into our home, on vacation trips, just about everything for as many years as I can remember. I guess he’s the son they never had. Don’t get me wrong, the three of us girls have given them both good and bad times throughout the years. But having a son would have been a blessing. It wasn’t in the cards. After mom had Keni, she had to have a partial hysterectomy.

My parents join us at the adult table as we make faces and shiver, recalling the taste of Jägermeister when the girls pound shots in celebration of my baby sister’s birthday. The food is brought out, and we all fill up on chicken wings, potato skins, penne in vodka sauce, chicken francese, and teriyaki beef. While waiting to fill my plate, my mom asked the question that I was dreading.

“How was your appointment, all good?” I turn slowly, “I have to go for testing.” She stops, puts her plate down, and squares off with me. “Danielle, what’s wrong?” I shake my head, “not here, Mom, not tonight. Okay?” I plead, and with those few words, she knows and pulls me in for a hug.I swallow hard, keeping my fear in check.

We separate, trying not to draw attention and fill our plates. Once we have what we want, we head back to the table. Small talk between my parents and Jacob fills the time while I enjoy another drink. The food is delicious, and since it’s been a rough day, I decided to have another. By the looks of these girls, we aren’t leaving anytime soon. I see it's almost nine with a quick glance at my wrist.Mark takes over at the bar, and Diesel and Nicki join us.

“Shots all around,” Nicki places a tray in the middle of the girls’ table as Diesel approaches ours. I shake him off, “Nope, I’m done drinking. I’m in charge of getting all these drunks home.”

“Bummer,” he says and offers the drinks to my parents. They deny and excuse themselves, ready to take their leave. Dad leans in, kisses my cheek, and says, “If you need a hand getting them home, call.” I nod and stand to hug Mom. She whispers, “everything will be okay. I’m here for you. Just a phone call away.” With that, she kisses my cheek, saying goodnight.

They wave their goodbyes from the door, and the DJ stops the music. Keni, Jillian, and Erika jump up and make their way to the small, square dance floor. Nicki comes over, grabs my hand, and pulls me out to have some fun with my sisters.

“Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give it up for the Johnson sisters. Dani and Nicki would like you all to join in celebrating their baby sister, Keni’s, birthday! Let’s all toast: Happy twenty-first, Kendra!” Every patron in the bar claps and starts to sing. Keni is so embarrassed, and I love it. Jacob comes over, picks her up in a bear hug, whispers something in her ear, and she laughs.

After a few songs, I find myself more interested in the conversation being held at the table between Jacob and Diesel. I maneuver my way through the small crowd of girls dancing and wonder if I was ever this carefree. Being an adult sucks!

Mark walks over with a large glass of water with lemon, exactly what I need. I thank him and feel Jacob’s eyes on me. I collapse into the chair in relief of my sore feet.

Thankfully, the music isn’t too loud back here. “I’m too old for this shit,” I complain, pulling at my shirt to air out. Beads of sweat line my hairline. Jacob picks up a napkin and wipes my forehead, proceeding to reach for my glass of water with lemon. He places it in front of me, sits back, and rests his arm against the back of my stool, sliding me closer.

“It’s good to see you out and having fun because you were all about work last time I was home,” he says, and I shrug my shoulders. “So, how long are you home for? Where are you staying?” I ask, hoping we can make plans for the time he’s here.

“Actually, I was just telling Diesel I’m home for good.” My eyes must have been as wide as saucers, disbelief written on my face.

Nicki comes over, “Dani, what’s wrong?” I ignore her and turn to stare into Jacob's eyes, absorbing what he’s said.

“Home, for good?” I can feel the tears begin to build. “I’m done, Danielle. I’m home.” I jump from the stool and into his lap without even thinking. All the worry, the sleepless nights wondering if he was okay, if he was coming back. Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of him and his choice to join, but he took another piece of my heart with him every time he had to report back.

“Yes! Finally!!” Nicki pumps her fist in the air, turning to motion for Keni to come over. With only a few stumbles, she makes it to the table. “What’s up?” she asks. Nicki motions in our direction.

“Did you two finally hook up?” She says, slurring her words. “No!” we say in unison, with equal expressions of slight embarrassment flooding our faces.

Nicki snaps her fingers and gets Keni’s attention, “He’s done. He’s home for good.”

She throws her arms up in the air, her drink spilling everywhere, “welcome home, big brother. Best birthday gift ever!!!”

I appreciate how much and what a big part of our family Jacob has become over the years. But it makes me wonder, does he only see us as sisters? Hmm… kind of bums me out. I sit back on my own stool and wait for all the commotion to calm down. I mean, we did kiss that one time after Prom, but since then, we’ve only been friends.

Nicki whispers something to Diesel, and he glances in my direction. They disappear from the table. It’s just Jacob, and I left.

“Where will you be staying?” I ask, wiping the condensation off the side of my glass. “I have a room at the hotel. I am not going back to that house, not if my life depended on it.” He states adamantly.

“I have a pull-out couch if you want to stay with me. Save some money until you find your own place.” I offer without even thinking.