Page 4 of One Night by

Chapter Three

It’s almost six-thirty, according to the watch on my wrist. I yank the heavy wood door open, and the stale smell of beer invades my nostrils. I push past the curtain. To my right is the jukebox, the bar stools, and the dark long backward three-shaped countertop lines the wall. Mirrors hang behind shelves filled with top-notch liquor bottles. I take a few steps in and place my wristlet on the tall round table against the pony wall,which divides the booths from the bar area.

The dartboard hangs just to the right of the bay window and the flickering neon Bud Light sign. A small dance floor leads to the back tables. I notice the balloons floating in the back corner with a quick glance over my shoulder. Thank God! I thought Nicki was going to forget.

“Hey Dani,” Diesel walks by and heads behind the bar with extra streamers in hand. He’s worked here for a few years now, along with Nicki. They, as Nicolette would say, are friends with benefits. No strings attached. Fuck Buddies, and not bad on the eye, rough and tough-looking with his muscular build. Yet a total sweetheart.

“Tell me Nicki helped at least?” I ask with a groan of guilt. I know damn well she can get a man to crawl on his knees if she wants to. He looks over his shoulder and smiles. “Actually, she did. I’m just cleaning up.” He throws the bar rag down, grabs a beer from the cooler, and places it in front of one of the regulars in the corner.

“Can I get you something?” He places a coaster on the bar, and I step closer. “Um…” I glance at my watch. What the hell? After the unexpected news I just got from my doctor, I could use a drink. I’ll have one or two then eat, so I’m sober to get everyone home later.

“Sex on the Beach, please.” He smirks, nods, and turns to make it. I lean over and grab a cherry from the plastic container sitting on the edge with my elbows on the bar.

“Now that sounds like fun,” a deep voice comes from behind. I roll my eyes and ignore the rude comment. Maybe the idiot isn’t even talking to me.

“With you, it would probably be amazing.” I feel someone behind me, a little too close for my comfort. I glance up to see the reflection in the mirror, but the bottles block it. Diesel's eyes are large with surprise. I know he’ll have my back if I need him. But he knows we Johnson’s sisters can take care of ourselves.

After the boring day at work and the doctor telling me there is a lump I need to have checked, I’m not in the mood for this shit. As I start to turn to tell this guy to fuck off, I’m pressed into the bar from behind and caged in by two strong, tanned arms.

About to lose my shit, I jerk my head to look over my shoulder.

“Jacob,” escapes my lips, more breathless than expected. I’m frozen in time as his taut, hard body presses against mine. His calloused fingers wrap around my wrist and spin me around. Finally, realizing this is really happening, I scream, “Jacob!” and throw my arms around his neck. My god, he looks amazing, his hair is growing back in, and I hadn’t realized how much I missed him.

He kisses my cheek, and we hug for a few moments. Diesel places my drink on the bar and reaches over in greeting, “Hey, welcome back, man.” I move to his side so he can shake hands.

“Good to be back.” He says, grabs my drink, and leads us to the round table nestled against the wall.

“It’s so good to see you. How long has it been?” I ask, knowing damn well it’s been ten months and four days since I dropped him at the airport to report back to duty.

Jacob turned eighteen and, to piss off his parents, decided that he would join the Army rather than going to college and working for the family.

“Almost a year, he says.” Lifts his hand and pushes the long strands of hair behind my ear. “You look good,” he withdraws, and I swat at him, giggling like a little school girl.

“So do you, I see, letting your hair grow again.” I tousle it back and forth. He leans back out of reach. I admire this grown man sitting before me, a moment of silence passes. The front door and curtain swing open, and Nicki walks in. In her black ripped jeans and tank top, she never fails to amaze me. She has dyed her hair jet black, too. The blood-red lipstick matches her nails and shoes. When she turns in our direction, she waves, and smiles.

“Still hell on heels, I see,” Jacob says and stands in greeting. She sashays her ass over and plants a kiss right on his lips. I take a deep breath. It’s fine.

“Welcome home, soldier!” She looks over her shoulder. “Hey Diesel, anything they want, it’s on me.” I look to see his reaction. Jealousy is a bitch. I see his stare toward Jacob when Nicki snakes her arm around his neck. I guess we have that in common. Not that either one of us has claimed or admitted our attractions out loud. But I’ve seen the signs. Diesel’s got it bad for Nicki. He shakes his head and walks to the far side of the bar.

“How ya been, little sister?” Jacob sits back down on the high stool. “You know me, all good.” She glances around the bar, scoping out her next victim, I’m sure.

“Nicki, what time are Mom and Dad bringing Keni?” She grabs my arm and glances at my watch.

“They should be here any minute. Come on in the back. Kendra’s friends are already here.” She rolls her eyes, with a tilt of her head, in the direction of the buffet table.

The black and gold sparkle signs hang from the ceiling, and wall-to-wall pink and blue streamers with matching balloons.

“It looks great, Nicki. You did a really good job.” I admit, surprised.

“Actually, Kendra’s friends did most of it before I even got here.” she shrugs her shoulders. “Diesel and I hung the signs, and the girls did the streamers.”

‘Lookout, I’m legal’, ‘21 and able’, ‘If you can read this, pick me up’: a few silly sayings are hanging in the dining area.

As I glance around the few tables designated for our group, I think maybe I should have rented a minibus.

“So, what’s the plan?” After seeing the empty bottles on the table, Jacob looks at me with wide eyes.

I chuckle, “Watch them drink until they puke, and then drive them home.” He shakes his head, “Seriously? Ah, to be twenty-one again.” I can’t help the laugh, which escapes a little louder than expected.