Page 2 of One Night by

Chapter Two

It’s almost time to get ready and go, the clock on the wall reads three forty, and I’m grateful to have the weekend in my sights. My messenger pings, alerting me that I have a new notification. I turn and face the monitor and, to my surprise, it reads:

Jacob Reynolds

Unsure if I want to open the box, I contemplate. If I reply now, we could be talking for hours. I’ve missed him, but now is not exactly the right time to start up a long-distance conversation. My hand shakes the mouse back and forth, and then I stop, letting it hover over the notification.

Jacob fucking Reynolds.


The Reynolds residence was a lot bigger than ours. I guess it’s good to come from money. It was nestled behind the circular driveway, but we had a full view right across the street.

He climbed from the expensive-looking car, which rolled to a stop right in front of the big white doors. He looked so angry. The family had moved into the house not long into the summer before High school started. It was only three months since Lilly and Doug, Jacob’s Grandparents, had passed. They were the oldest yet kindest couple in the neighborhood.

Every year since I could remember, they would cater a barbecue for the neighbors once a month. It usually started during the spring, and then they would have a huge Labor Day party weekend. The in-ground pool was open to anyone as long as they were respectful. I personally enjoyed sitting out on the patio and admiring the stone wall and flowers the gardeners planted. It was sad how they tragically passed in the car accident.

Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, Gwyn, and Douglas, their son, and daughter-in-law, were very fancy. Definitely, upper class, as I guess his parents were. Unlike Doug, his son insisted we call him by his full name, Douglas or Mr. Reynolds. Boy, were they different. They barely spoke to any of the neighbors, never mind continuing the tradition of the barbecues. In fact, they were hardly ever here. Especially when Jacob was, which I found odd. My parents were always home for the most part.

Jacob is my age, a loner, a player, and hates how his parents treat him like an object instead of a son. He went to a live-in private school, which I thought was weird. He was hardly ever there... until he was.

Sophomore year ended, and summer had started. After a quick dip in the Reynolds pool, I lay back to take in some sun and read the newest release from my favorite author. I figure if they aren’t going to be here to enjoy it, I will.

“Why don’t you stay for dinner? I’m ordering pizza.” Jacob walks out of the screen door and approaches the lounge I’m relaxing in. Dropping the book to the side, I grabbed the towel to cover my body. I thought he wasn’t due back from school until next week. How did I not know he was home?

“You startled me.” I tighten the towel. He chuckles and slides his hands into his dark blue dress pants. After I stand, he loosens his tie, and the top two buttons of his school dress shirt are being undone as I swoon over the hunk of a guy who stands before me.

Dark brown, shaggy hair hangs over his left eye. He tilts his head up and, with his hands, removes the tie altogether. Damn.

We are neighbors, friends, that’s all. Besides, he’s not even my type. I like a good boy who does his homework on time, goes to every class and enjoys a good book now and then.

Jacob is as bad as they come. It’s why I look out for him. Someone needs to. Besides, what are best friends for? But damn, a girl can admire and appreciate puberty just as much as a boy does. He has changed from a tall skinny kid too. Let me just say it, wow! His shoulders have gotten wider, and he’s filled out with muscle, and it looks good on him.

That summer went by so fast. We spent every waking moment together. You’d think we were dating. But it wasn’t like that, not with us. We just… clicked. It was nice to have someone my age to talk to. Someone to hang out with and call when bored. I could tell him anything, and there was no judgment. I trusted him and appreciated that he trusted me, too.

I smile at the thought of us so young, so innocent. I turn and face the picture frame on my desk as I recall when it was taken.

It’s a month before senior prom and guess who doesn’t have a date? Me.

I can’t believe Nicki talked me into this. I think as I walk up the brick circular driveway and knock on the white French doors of the Reynolds home. Jacob is home for the weekend. Now that he has a car, he can come and go as he pleases.

Gwyn answers, “hello Danielle, Jacob’s upstairs in his room. Go ahead up.” She says. I thank her and climb the wide spiral stairs slowly.

Is he going to laugh at me? Will he even consider it? My nerves cause butterflies to flutter inside my stomach to the point I feel nauseous.

I stop at the door, take a deep breath, and knock. The door opens a moment later.

“Hey Dani, come on in. I was going to call you.” He sits back on his bed, throwing a book to the side. I plop down on the beanbag chair, not able to make eye contact. I can’t believe I’m going to do this.

“What’s up?” he slides to the edge of the bed. Keeping my face planted on the ground, I nervously look up through my eyelashes. “Dani, what’s going on?” his concern grows.

“Are you going to your prom?” I ask skittishly, fidgeting with my fingers.

He grunts and slides back a little. “Hell no, that shit sucks at my school. I saw old pictures and videos online. Talk about lame as fuck.” He leans down, reaches out, and ruffles my hair. “What’s going on, Dani? You’re normally more talkative. Something the matter?”

I take a deep breath, “Can I ask you for a favor?” He nods, so I continue, “will you come to my prom with me? I mean, as friends, of course. But I really want to go, and no one has asked.” I spat out as quickly as I could. It was like pulling off a band-aide. It stung for a second.

Jacob starts to laugh, then realizes I’m serious and stops. Pushing up onto my knees, I lower my standards to beg.