The room seemed smaller all of a sudden. As if the walls had shrunk to encapsulate the two of them in a space that now felt...intimate, somehow.

“I should probably head out to the barn,” he said, voice hard and low. “Check on the horses.”

“Right,” she agreed. “And I should go upstairs. I have to leave early in the morning to catch my flight back to Boston.”

“Yeah,” he murmured, bending his head toward her. “Good idea.”

“I can catch up on some work before going to bed,” she whispered, though work had never been further from her mind. She could feel the heat of his body reaching out to her and she leaned in, tipping her head back to watch his face as he came closer and closer.

“That’d be best,” he said, gaze moving over her face before coming back to her eyes.

He didn’t have to say a word for her to know what he was thinking—mainly because she was thinking the same thing. Lust was alive and well and eagerly jumping up and down in the corner of the room. An electrical field seemed to be snapping and sizzling between them, heightening every breath, every feeling, every desire.

“This would be a really bad idea,” Cass said, licking her lips in anticipation of the kiss she knew was a breath away.

“No doubt,” he agreed and took her mouth with his.

Heat exploded inside her. Cass’s brain shut down with a nearly audible thud as her body, her wants and needs, took over. She dropped the signed papers and reached up to encircle his neck. He pulled her in close, his arms firm bands around her midsection as he held her in place, pressed tightly to him.

Her mouth opened under his and the first swipe of his tongue stole what was left of her breath. She groaned a little as she gave herself up to the amazing response quickening inside her. Cass had been kissed before, of course, but nothing she’d ever experienced could have prepared her for what she felt now.

It was as if she were lit up from the inside. Sparks of reaction sizzled in her bloodstream, and her heartbeat was loud enough to be deafening. Her stomach pitched and swirled and a heavy, throbbing ache began at the core of her. Need clawed at the base of her throat and she went with it.

Threading her fingers through his thick, soft hair, she held his head to hers and responded to his kiss with everything she had. Their tongues tangled together in a dance of passion that could lead to only one place. One place she suddenly wanted to go more than anything.

It didn’t matter that she hardly knew him. Didn’t matter that she would only be in his house one night. Didn’t matter that she could hear “Skank Alarms” ringing distantly in her mind. All that did matter was the next moment. The next touch.

His hands swept up and down her back while his mouth plundered hers hungrily. She felt his touch as bolts of heat driven down into her bones, and still she wanted more. There was a desperation between them. A raw, pulsing need that clamored to be answered.

When he shifted his hold on her and covered one of her breasts with his palm, Cass broke free of his kiss to gasp in renewed pleasure. His thumb stroked across her hardened nipple and even through the fabric of her shirt and her bra, the heat of his caress jolted her.

“This is a mistake,” he whispered as he quickly undid the buttons lining the front of her shirt.

“Absolutely,” she agreed, and turned so he wouldn’t have to reach too far to get to his goal.

“We should definitely stop before this gets out of control.”

She opened her eyes, stared into his and asked, “What’s control?”

He laughed shortly. “Good point.”

Then her shirt was opened, his hand was over the lacy cup of her bra, and her already-hard nipple seemed to strain to punch its way through the delicate fabric just to reach him.

Cass moaned softly and shifted her gaze past him as she focused only on what he was making her feel. Making her want. That’s when she became alert enough to notice and remember that there was a wall of windows right behind them and that if anyone happened by this side of the house they were going to get quite the show.

“Oh, God!” She jerked in his arms and turned her back to the glass.

“What is it?”

“Windows,” she muttered. “The whole world’s watching...”

He laughed and Cass scowled at him. “Not funny.”

“Also not an issue,” he told her, turning her back around to face him. “When the house was built I had all of the glass treated. We can see out but no one can see in.”