Silence stretched out between them, taut, humming with so much tension, it nearly burned the air.

“I like whatever it is you’re thinking,” he said.

“Not surprising, since I believe you’re thinking the same thing.” Her voice didn’t sound the least bit breathy and desperate. Good for her.

He came around the edge of the chaise, held out one hand to her and, when she took it, pulled her to her feet. He didn’t let go, but ran his thumb back and forth across her skin, sending shivers up and down her arms.

Cass looked up into his eyes and watched as they darkened, filled with the same need that she knew glittered in her own.

“I’ve been thinking it since the first time I saw you.”

A swirl of something hot and lovely spun in her center and Cass took a long, deep breath, reveling in the sensation.

“Me, too.” She couldn’t believe she’d just admitted that to him. But then, not really a secret, was it? Each time they’d kissed, they’d set off so many internal explosions it had left her rattled for hours after.

“You should know—” He looked at her, hunger shining in his eyes, mouth tantalizingly close. “I didn’t want to feel it.”

She had to smile, how could she not? She’d been going through the same thing for days now. Good to know she hadn’t been alone. “Now who’s being forthright?”

“It’s time, don’t you think?” A small smile curved his mouth briefly as he pulled her closer. When he spoke again, though, all trace of amusement was gone from his features. His blue eyes were dark, serious and fixed on her as if she were the only person in the world. “I want you and I’m done waiting.”

“Oh.” She blew out a breath. “Okay. Good.”

Time seemed to pause. Her mind raced with so many thoughts, and yet each one somehow allowed itself to be acknowledged before the next one rushed forward.

She liked him. A lot, really. Before she came to Montana, Jake’s mother and sister had both told Cass about him. She’d listened to the stories and heard both their pride in and exasperation with him. She’d known before she came here that he kept his emotions on a short leash, that he didn’t like company and that loyalty was important to him.

She’d heard about his short-lived marriage, his tours of duty and his love for this ranch. Once she got here, his grandfather had shared more stories until she felt as though she’d always known him. Yes, he was closed off and hard to know, but Cass had seen his gentleness with the horses. Seen him smile at his housekeeper and laugh with his grandfather. She remembered him with Rocky, the lazy horse.

Cass smiled to herself at the memory. He could tell himself that Rocky was only here under sufferance, because there was no way to get rid of the animal. But she knew the truth. She’d seen it in his eyes. He loved that horse and that’s the only reason he kept him.

There was kindness beneath Jake’s gruff exterior. And caring. And a capacity for love that he was denying himself. She had to wonder why. He intrigued her, attracted her and touched something deep inside her that had never before been awakened.

There was more to Jake Hunter than it appeared. And Cass wanted him so much the sensation was overwhelming. She’d never felt anything close to this need, this rush to touch and be touched before.

All of these thoughts and more swam through her mind. It seemed to take forever and yet she knew, logically, that only a handful of seconds passed.

Cass stared up at him and wondered how they’d come to this moment. Finding this...connection, with Jake Hunter wasn’t something she’d expected. But now, it seemed inevitable that she step into the heat sliding from his body. That she keep her gaze locked on his as he spoke again.

“Good?” He smiled again and the way that curve of his lips lit up his eyes was simply staggering.

“Yes,” she said, knowing exactly what she was saying yes to. She moved in eagerly as his arms locked around her and pulled her in.

“Glad to hear it,” he whispered, then he bent his head to take her mouth.

That first brush of his lips against hers turned a key in a lock that was so deep inside her she hadn’t even realized it was there. Every time he kissed her, she’d felt a buzz of rightness. A sense that it had been meant to happen. But this time, knowing that the kiss was leading to something more opened every door in her heart and mind.

She parted her lips for him and tangled her tongue with his. Breathing fast and hot, they gave and took and shared until her heartbeat thundered in her chest. She felt the same reaction in him as his arms tightened around her, holding her to him so that nothing separated them but the layers of fabric they wore.