“He’s lazy,” Jake said with affection. “Even as a colt, he would rather walk than run and rather roll in a shady spot of grass than walk. So. Rocking Chair. He’s not a stud. No one wants the lazy gene passed on. And the only people who’d enjoy riding him are little kids for a slow walk around the corral.”

Cass tipped her head to one side and looked at him, measuring. “Yet you keep him here.”

Jake’s gaze flashed to hers.

“The horses are your business and Rocky is, despite being a sweetie, not really a part of that business, but you keep him anyway.”

Frowning, Jake muttered, “Who’d buy him?”

Cass only smiled and stayed right behind Jake. “Your grandfather says you have to take extra care with a horse born this close to winter.”

“He would be right.” He tossed a glance at her over his shoulder. “They’re too young to withstand really cold temps, so we have to ensure they stay warm and well fed.”

“Ben says you understand horses better than anyone he’s ever seen.”

“Sounds like my grandfather’s talking your ear off.” And apparently had plenty to say.

“I like him.”

He looked at her, saw that she meant it and nodded in approval. Lisa and his grandfather had never gotten along. Not that it mattered any that Ben and Cass clearly did. “He likes you, too.”

“That’s nice to hear.” She leaned on the stall door after he went through. “Oh, isn’t she sweet?”

The foal was a charmer, all long legs and big eyes with flirty eyelashes. Still a little wobbly, the foal came close to the stall door and let Cass lean over to pet her head. The mare, of course, was keeping a close eye on everything, but Sadie was a good-natured animal and Jake wasn’t worried. He went on, checking out the mare, giving her some extra attention, then made sure there was plenty of feed in the stall before slipping out the door again and latching it behind him.

Obviously reluctant to leave the tiny horse, still standing close enough to be petted, Cassidy spoke softly. “Your mother says the one thing she really misses about the ranch is the horses. I can see why.”

He moved in closer than he should have, reached over the stall gate and grazed his palm across the foal’s head. “Know a lot about horses, do you?”

She looked up at him with a grin. “Not a thing. But they’re beautiful. And big. Except for this little guy—girl.”

“They are beautiful,” he agreed, and silently added, so are you. That smile of hers was deadly accurate. It lit up his insides like a fireworks explosion and he didn’t need that. Didn’t want that. So he forced himself to move away from her, from temptation. “They’re a lot of work too, so I’d better get busy.”

“Oh. Sure. Me, too. I guess I’ll head back to the house.”

“More internet work?”

“No. I promised Anna I’d help set out the meal and serve the hands when they got back, so I should get to the kitchen.”

He frowned to himself as she started to walk away. She puzzled him. Intrigued him. Attracted him in a way no other woman ever had, and that was damned irritating. “You don’t have to do this, you know.”

She stopped and turned to face him. “Do what?”

He threw both hands out. “Help. Work. Cook with Anna. Shovel with Jim. It’s not your job to do any of it.”

Tipping her head to one side, she stared at him for a long moment. “This bothers you?”

“It confuses me,” he admitted and could hardly believe he’d said it out loud.

She smiled at him and shook her head. “I don’t know why. I’m here. There are things to be done—I’m helping do them. Simple.”

“Why do I think there’s nothing simple about you?” His gaze was locked on her. Snow fell behind her, twisting and dancing in the cold wind. Horses whickered softly in their stalls. Standing there in the coat and work boots and that silly hat, she looked as if she belonged. But he knew she didn’t, despite appearances, and that stiffened his resolve even as she took the few steps back to stand directly in front of him.

“I think that may be the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” she told him.

Then before he could think of a damn thing to say, she went up on her toes, reached for the back of his neck and pulled his head down to hers. She kissed him and he knew he should set her back, pull away from the tantalizing taste of her.