"Suit yourself," she said, and tapped Keith. "Let's go, big guy."

I went outside, into the public area. Didn't matter at this time of the night, because there were few people who ventured in, and when the vamps cleared out--which they did nightly to go hit the blood bank or date or do whatever it was--we had the place mostly to ourselves. I waded into the heavy bag.

And pretty soon, the rest of them came out to join me.

Like a pack.

I hit the bag and felt better, because finally, I knew what I was doing.

I was leading the pack.

And that was okay.


He wasn't answering his cell, but it was a damn good bet that he had gone where he said he was going--to the gym.

In the end, they all went to find him, because Michael wasn't letting Claire go alone, and Eve wasn't letting Michael go without her. They took Eve's big, black hearse, which had a big enough front bench seat to hold three across. Claire ended up in the middle.

"Hey," she said as Eve navigated the giant Deathmobile down the dark streets of Morganville. "So...what is this about getting married? Did I even actually hear that? Because I'm pretty sure I would have been told about that by mybest friend. " She accompanied it with an elbow into Eve's side. Eve made a choked sound that wasn't quite a cry.

Claire was trying to keep it light, because she was feeling anxious now, not just about Shane, but about the two of them. It was tough being a vampire/human couple; there had been plenty of problems already. It would only get harder, and Eve--Eve was strong, but she was also fragile.

Michael was looking out the window at the passing houses, and he didn't turn his head. "It was kind of an impulse thing," he said. "Eve wanted to wait and have a big announcement and an engagement party. I just didn't expect her to blurt it out like that."

"Well, I had to stop Terminator Shane from punching your face off," Eve said. "I like your face. And it worked, didn't it?"

"Back on topic," Claire interrupted. "When exactly did this happen?"

"He asked me at the party. You know, Gloriana's big party." That had been one of those weird vampire welcome-to-town shindigs where they'd been basically the only people with pulses invited. Claire hadn't felt comfortable. She and Shane had ducked out as soon as they could, although later she wished she hadn't, because she'd heard that crazy things had happened, and the spectacle ofEve dancing withOliver must have been, according to all the gossip, pretty compelling. Because Oliver apparently coulddance .

That still seemed bizarre.

She hadn't known what happened after, because Eve hadn't said. Claire had assumed nothing had happened of any real notice. Obviously, she'd been way, way wrong.

"So where's the ring?" Claire asked. She was staring at Eve's left hand. Nothing shiny on the third finger.

"I didn't want to wear it until we told people," Eve said. "I guess I can now. Right?"

"Right," Michael said. He started to say something else, but fell silent.

It felt strangely awkward, suddenly. And Claire's mixed feelings got even more mixed. Shewanted to believe this was the right thing, but why wasn't Michael more excited about it? Was that a guy thing?

Or...God, was he having second thoughts?

Claire tried to fill the silence. "Any date yet or anything? And can I be a bridesmaid? Please let me be a bridesmaid! I've never been one."

"My bridesmaids are totally wearing black," Eve said. "Are you down with that? Because I'm wearing red."

"Yes!" Claire gave her an awkward, one-armed hug, and then did the same to Michael. "This is great. This is...Well, it'sgreat . Isn't it?"

"Yes," Michael said. He was smiling again, but she saw his reflection in the glass, and what struck her, in a dreadful rush, was that it wasn't the right kind of smile. It was sad and brave, not happy and proud. Like he was doing what he thought he should do, but deep down he wasn't sure.

Oh, no. No.

Claire looked down at her lap. She said, "Well, let me know, okay? When you guys are ready. Because I'll be there, you know. All the way."

"I know you will," Eve said. She wasn't just smiling; she was glowing with delight. "Thanks, sweetie."

She turned the car again and pulled it into a parking space. The neon lights of the gym were on, and a sign glowing near the door said open 24 hrs.

They sat in the car as the engine died. Michael and Eve exchanged glances over Claire's head. "So, we should do this," Eve said. "Right?"

"Right," Michael said. "We all go together. If he starts something, get out of the way, both of you. Let him take it out on me. I'm not as breakable."

Maybe not, but Shane had managed to land a punch on him, which had been unpleasantly surprising. Claire didn't want to see anybody get hit or hurt, not even a vampire who could bounce back. The sound of Miranda getting punched still haunted her, no matter how it had turned out later.

She'd always admired Shane's ability to defend himself--and her and his friends--but at the same time, she worried. Maybe therewas something to his fear. Maybe his dad's legacy of abuse was tough to shake; she knew there was a dark core of anger inside of him, and guilt.

But she also knew that Gloriana was in it somehow. She had to be. No matter how much everybody swore she couldn't be interested in Shane, there was some reason this was happening, and Claire had seen firsthand how easy it was for Gloriana to twist people around.

Like Shane was being twisted.

I saw her,Claire thought.Up in his room, that first night. That was her. It had to be Gloriana.

That was when it had all started. When Shane's anger had started coming to the surface.

That bitch.

"We stay together," Claire said. "And I promise, I'll duck if anybody throws a punch."

The parking lot was--oddly, for Morganville--spacious and well lit. They didn't see anyone else on the way in. The same bouncer was at the desk. He looked the three of them over without saying anything. The lights buzzed softly, and Claire felt nerves start tingling right with them.

"We're looking for Shane Collins," Michael said. "Is he here?"

The counter guy checked a list, flipping pages. "Yeah, he signed in about half an hour ago. Hasn't left."

"We need to see him," Claire said.

"Ten bucks."

"We're not exercising," Eve said. "Really, you see these clothes? These are not made for sweating."

"Not my problem. It's ten bucks to go in that door, whether you exercise or not. Unless you want to buy a membership. Then it's five hundred."

"Are youkidding ?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding?"

"No, you look like a dick who wants thirty dollars to let us talk to our friend," Michael said, and opened up his wallet. "Here's forty. The extra ten's not a tip, so give it back."

The guy counted out ten ones--even though there was a ten-dollar bill sitting right there in the cash drawer--and slid them over. "Knock yourselves out, kids," he said.

The buzzer went off, signaling that the door was open. Michael held it for the girls; Claire went first, heading past the busy weight-and exercise-machine area. Everything was full, which was shocking, considering the time of night. The weirdest thing was that Claire didn't see a single vampire here tonight...just humans. She'd have expected just the opposite.

Shane was in the corner, near the boxing stuff. That wasn't a surprise; Claire had known in her gut that he'd be here somewhere.

He was punching a heavy bag, which swung back and forth in slow, ponderous arcs as he danced around it, hitting with vicious intensity. He'd taken off his shirt, and he was sweating so much it looked like he'd just come out of the pool, his hair lank and plastered around his face. His skin shone and dripped.

And he was covered with bruises.Covered. She was shocked; she hadn't seen him like this, not ever. Some were just red spots--fresh ones--and others were old and blue and faded around the edges. The nastiest ones looked black and green. What thehell had he been doing?

Claire started to walk over to him, but Michael stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. "No," he said. "Let me, okay?"

"Okay." There was something very off about the way Shane was going after that bag, like it had personally tried to kill him. And she could tell that he'd been at it for a while now, ever since he'd walked

in, probably.

As Michael came over, Shane grabbed the swinging bag in both gloved hands and stilled it. He was panting for breath, but his wide eyes were fixed on his friend.