All of us were in shock.

So many dead and for what? What did this serve? It didn’t make sense. There were women and children on that island. Innocent people, dead for nothing.

“Gio,” Massacre barely said, tears running down his face as his words registered deep within me. “I can’t…I can’t get ahold of Reggie. He…he isn’t answering.”

Player was gone. My best friend. The one who gave me the courage to come out of hiding. To stop being the hunted and become the hunter. I would never hear his laughter again. Joke with him.

Gio grabbed Massacre and hugged him.

Both men were ravaged by the events.

We all were.


I looked over at Layla, who was kneeling beside me.

“Call your sister. Call Laura.”

Nodding, I reached for my phone and dialed a number I knew by heart. Waiting, I held my breath, begging the call to connect. When it did, I gasped. “Laura!”

“Two down, one more to go, then I’m coming for you. I told you I would make you pay for killing my family.”

I fucking knew that voice.

That was all it took for my grief to fade into anger.

It was the same voice that haunted my nightmares for seven years.


Slowly getting to my feet, I placed my phone on the table and hit the speaker. Snapping my finger, Dylan’s head snapped up.

“I can’t wait to see you again, but first, I am going to enjoy your sister.”

“I’m going to fucking kill you.” I seethed, my hands balling into tight fists. My nails dug into my palms as I drew blood. Dylan slowly stood, looking directly at me.

I didn’t have to tell him.

He already knew.

Our past had just come full circle.

It was game on.

The line went dead just as another phone started to ring.

I watched Giovanni look around the room as he reached into his suit jacket and removed his phone. Placing it on the table, he accepted the call and also putting it on speaker.

The time for secrets was over.

We were all in the same boat now.

All fighting the same evil.

“Your mother’s bed is so comfortable,” a gravelly voice said as Giovanni’s eyes snapped to Layla’s as she flinched beside me. “I can still hear her screams as I took her in this bed. Too bad you are not here to reminisce with me but don’t worry, my dear daughter. Our time is coming.”

Giovanni quickly ended the call before the fucker could say another word as he said. “He’s in Tennessee.”