Page 82 of Savage


“Are you going to help?” Jess fumed as she searched the small cabin. I, however, was laying on one of the small beds, watching her, enjoying my afterglow. Did men have an afterglow from amazing sex? Well, I did and nothing but her hot pussy sitting on my face was going to get me to move.

Besides, my woman finally admitted her feelings.

She was back.

All feistiness and snark.

The best thing was she told me she loved me. I was flying high right now. When she uttered those three little words, I wanted to ask her right then and there to marry me. Good thing I knew better than that. If I had asked, she probably would have slapped me across the face then laughed at me. See, I know my woman. I couldn’t just bombard her with that shit. I had to plan, bide my time and when she was all gooey and putty in my hands, that was when I would attack.

Yep, catching my woman off guard was the only way I would get a yes out of her. I couldn’t wait to finagle a yes out of her, because when I did, I wasn’t giving her a chance to change her mind. I would put a fucking ring on her finger one minute and have her standing before a preacher the next. If I had to fuck her through the whole damn ceremony, that was exactly what I would do.

I wasn’t a savage for nothing.

She liked calling me caveman, well I was going to show her just how caveman I could be.

“Seriously!” she rounded on me, throwing a pillow at my face. “Get off your ass and help me!”

“Jesus’ woman,” I moaned, sitting up. “What the hell are we looking for anyway?”

“I don’t know. Something that doesn’t belong here.”

“Well fuck,” I said, standing and stretching. “That could be anything. Didn’t my sister leave a clue or something? Like a sign that says, look here asshat?”

“For you, yes,” Jess chuckled.

“Funny, ha ha ha.”

Scratching my head, I had no idea where to look. I wasn’t familiar with this place and I sure as fuck wouldn’t know where my crazy ass sister would have left a damn message. If she left one at all. But knowing Kitty, she did and the fucking brat hid it so damn well a CSI team wouldn’t be able to find it.

“This is bullshit,” I said, after flipping beds, mattresses, dumping dressers, even checking the rafters of the cabin. There was nothing here. Only dust, debris, a few crayons and two mix-matched socks. “Nothing is here. I told Reaper this was a long shot. As much as I would have like to believe my sister was cunning enough to leave a message, I just don’t see how it was possible. She never left California once she found out she was pregnant.”


Looking about the small cabin, nothing made sense. This place was a childhood memory. A happy time. There was no drama here. No deception. Why the fuck would my sister even return to this place? Why get Jess involved? “This place is a bust. I’m going to call Reaper and tell him so. What a waste of gas.”


“At least we can get the files from the clubhouse and take those back with us.”


“What?” I jumped, turning to face her to find her shaking as she stared at a small wooden box in her hands. The box was painted with little yellow flowers and lady bugs.

I knew that box.

I watched my father build it and paint it for Kitty for her eighth birthday. My dad said every little girl needed a special box, a place to hide and keep their secrets. My sister loved that box.

“Open it,” I whispered, too afraid to move.

Holding my breath as Jess carefully lifted the metal clasp, I watched while she opened the box. Inside was a Chevy Camaro matchbox car, a bank lockbox key, a thumb drive and a folded note. Jess placed the small box on the dresser next to her and removed the note. Unfolding it, she read it out loud:

Hi big brother,

If you are reading this, you are with my best friend Jessie. She’s cute, isn’t she? I know you are wondering why I left you this message and how I knew the two of you would be together. Call it a hunch. A hope really. Don’t go and screw it up with your overbearing ways, okay. She is my best friend after all.

In the box, you will find a key. It’s to my safety deposit box at Purgatory National Bank. Only you can access the box.