Page 69 of Savage

Stepping out of the vehicle, I stretched my aching back as I looked around the abandoned clubhouse. It wasn’t much to look at. Just an old two story building with the faded name of the Golden Skulls M.C. over the front door.

“That was a fun trip,” Jess smiled, walking over to me. “We should do it again sometime.”

“Uh huh,” I muttered, walking to the back of the SUV to grab our bags. “A lobotomy would have been more fun.”

“What was that?” she smiled, up at me.

“Yep. Good road trip baby. Let’s get you inside so you can rest.”

Just then, the rest of the Florida Chapter pulled into the compound. I said nothing as they all parked their bikes. Three of the Florida chapter members quickly jumped off their bikes and walked over to us. Judge and Maverick decided to take a detour a few miles back. Where those fuckers took off to, I didn’t know.

“Need any help, Savage?” a young member named Helix asked. He was a good kid. According to Reaper, Helix was patched in shortly after the all the shit with his pop’s went down. The kid was clean and during his time in California he became good friends with Chisel and Ink. The three of them loved movies and were constantly arguing over which one was the best.

The next brother to approach was Bones. A year older than me, Bones was a quiet one. From what Reaper was able to learn, the man was a drifter. No relatives, no place to call home. The only reason he was in the Golden Skulls was because of the man next to him, Saber. Army brothers, both men served in Afghanistan when Saber was wounded in the line of duty. When discharged, both men traveled around for a few years before joining the club. Their loyalties were to each other, which is what saved them.

As for the others, Murdher, Blade and Revenge, well those fuckers were dead men walking. Loyal to Toxic, their time on earth was dwindling down.

“Yeah, grab the bags and find us a room,” I said to Helix and the two others, while I watched the others just sit on their bikes, looking at their former clubhouse when the front door opened and out walked Toxic.

Yanking Jessica behind me, I had my guns out and pointed at the fucker. The three other Florida members moved fast, as they too had their guns pointed at their former President. As for the others, their laughter was all I needed to hear before I quickly turned my guns on the three of them, shooting them dead.

When the last fucker fell to the ground, I turned to face Toxic who had disappeared.

“Son of a bitch!” I roared, racing into the clubhouse.

That mother fucker wasn’t getting away.

Not this time.

His ass was mine.