Page 101 of Savage

And just like that, all of us tensed.

The kid actually took a step back.

Coming off the wall, I walked over to the kid and looked at the package along with Shadow, who asked, “Is the box heavy?”

“Yes sir.”

“Savage, take the box from the kid and head to the shed. Chaos, talk to the kid, get what you can, and give him something for his trouble. The rest of you, follow Savage.”

Doing as I was ordered I carefully took the box from the kid who damn near pissed himself once he was relieved from the box. Making my way towards the kitchen, a few of my brothers paved the way for me as I walked out the back door and headed for the shed.

Once in the shed, I carefully placed the box on the floor in the middle of the small room.

Stepping back, we all looked at the box.

I didn’t claim to know what was in the box. I had my suspicions, but I was oblivious until it was opened like everyone else. I wanted to open it immediately but it wasn’t addressed to me.

Packages were no joke when it came to club life. We all hated them. Especially the ones delivered in person.

They meant death.

That someone died.

This whole mess was fucked up.

The waiting, the deaths, all for what?

So, some fucker could get his kicks off?

Fuck that.

Ghost walked in with Reaper behind him. Boss man didn’t look happy. I stayed where I was as Reaper walked over to the box, pulled out a knife from his back pocket and cut it open. Kneeling before the box, I couldn’t see what was in it, when Reaper opened it.

He reached in an removed an envelope, then immediately stood, backing away from the box.

“Savage.” Reaper said, turning to me as I closed my eyes and sighed. The package was for me. Fuck. Looking at Reaper I couldn’t decipher the look on his face. If I had to guess, my President looked scared, maybe sad. Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward, I looked into the box trying to comprehend what I was seeing. When the reality of what I was looking at sunk in, I quickly ran from the shed and only made it a few steps before throwing up.

I couldn’t stop.

The heaving was ripping through me uncontrollably.

All I could see was her lovely face.

The fear in her eyes.

I didn’t hear Reaper as he walked up behind me. I didn’t hear any of them. My stomach wouldn’t stop rolling but when it finally did, I roared, falling to my knees.

“Fuck,” Ghost whispered. “Someone go get Jessica, now.”

“Savage,” Reaper said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I threw him off me. I didn’t want anyone’s pity. Especially his. This whole fucking situation was getting out of hand. People were dying left and right. I already lost my sister, several good brothers, now her.

I couldn’t do this anymore.

Too many people were dying.

“Lucas!” I heard Jess running for me. The second she knelt before me, I grabbed her, holding her as I silently cried.

“What happened?” she asked.