Page 86 of Savage


The second Lucas told me to run, I didn’t think twice.

I ran.

I had no idea where I was going but I knew the further I got away from the massacre that was happening behind me the safer I would be.

I ran for what felt like hours but in reality, it was only probably minutes. I wasn’t particularly good at running. That’s why I never really exercised. It wasn’t that I was against it, it was just that it was exhausting. Like right know I was leaning up against a tree, trying to catch my breath. With nothing but trees around me, I had no clue which way to go. I wasn’t familiar with this area. Yeah, I camped around here when I was younger but I never ventured deep into the forest. I was a city girl. The most nature I allowed myself to handle was a walk in a park.

I wanted to run back and check on Savage. The need to do so was great but he told me not to. I was torn. Do what he said or ignore him? What if Toxic killed him? He could be hurt and needing my help. I just didn’t know.

The forest was silent around me.

I couldn’t hear anything from the beating of my own heart when off in the distance I heard a car speed by. Making my way towards the sound, I eventually found myself walking out of the edge of the woods and onto pavement. Looking left and right, I didn’t know which way to go. There were so many back country roads in this area, I could be anywhere. So, I just started walking.

And I walked and walked.

I didn’t know how much time had gone by, but when a black sedan with tinted windows slowed to a stop next to me, I didn’t care.

My life had turned to shit.

Since returning to Florida, I’d witnessed Savage kill three members of the Golden Skulls, fucking Toxic appear out of thin air, I was kidnapped, returned to my childhood home and now, I was pretty sure that Toxic and his goons killed Savage.

I wasn’t even going to think about the shit I went through back in California. I couldn’t.

It was all too much.

I was done.

I just wanted to disappear and never show my face again. If I was lucky, I might live to see my next birthday.

Yep. That was my new goal.

“Ms. Banks. We meet again.”

Stopping dead in my tracks, I hung my head.

“Please go away.” Fuck my birthday. I wanted to see tomorrow’s sunrise. I wasn’t asking for much.

“The camp is back the other way.”

“Are you here to kidnap me again?”

“No. I just wanted to thank you for helping me.”

“I didn’t. I told Reaper and Savage right away.”

The older man smirked. “I know.”

“You know what Mr. Goldman. I am so tired of this bullshit. Your daughter, my best friend died because of this crap. My life won’t end up like Kitty’s. So go fuck yourself.” I huffed, walking in the opposite direction. I didn’t bother stopping when I heard a door open.

This man didn’t give up.


“You know something Ms. Banks. You are just like your brother. Head strong, willful and determined to get yourself killed if you continue down this path. Some advice. Leave while you can. Don’t end up like my daughter.”

“I don’t plan on it and for your information I am an only child.”