Page 72 of Savage

“Does Solomon know you’re alive?”

“No one does, Ms. Banks and I would prefer to keep it that way.”

“Then you should have kidnapped someone else.” I snarked. This man could have prevented so much. He could have saved his son from the horrible life he lived. He could have saved his daughter. Instead, he stayed away. Why? Who the fuck walks away from their family? His wife and kids!

“Ms. Banks, you are here because I would like you to do something for me. Will you do me this kindness?”

“Kindness? You kidnapped me asshole. I don’t owe you anything.”

The man grinned, before saying, “I see why my daughter liked you. She trusted you. So, I am going to do the same. I need you to stall in recovering the information my daughter left you.”


“Because the club is getting too close to the truth. I just need you to stall them for a little while longer.”

“Are you planning to kill them?”

“My plans for the Golden Skulls do not concern you. Right now, I want something else. Something I can get if you can stall the club.”

“I am not a member Mr. Goldman. I’m not even an Ol’lady. What I want doesn’t matter. The club will do whatever it wants. You must know this.”

“I do, that’s why I will give Mr. Doherty and the rest of the club members what they want most in the world, if you can take your time recovering the information.”

I asked. “What could you possibly have that Reaper wants?”

“His son.”

No. Shaking my head, I refused to believe this man had Reaper’s son. He was an infant. Not even a week old. He didn’t even have a name yet. He was on his way to Tennessee with the others. Reaper even said as much. There was no way this man had Reaper’s son.

I wouldn’t believe it.

I couldn’t.

Saying nothing, the man pulled out his phone and showed me a live video feed. Looking at it, I gasped as I saw Reaper’s son sleeping peacefully. Next to him was Hailey who was busy eating her little toes blowing spit bubbles. The camera panned around the room and I spotted Jax, Remi’s little brother sitting next to Maria, Chaos’s sister, both coloring, while Ghost’s daughter, Rebekah sat watching a cartoon.

Jumping to my feet, I shouted. “Are you fucking crazy! They are babies. They have nothing to do with this shit. Nothing at all!”

The man looked at his phone and smiled, “They are precious aren’t they.”

“Where is Sunny and Angelina? Where is Ari?”

“They are there as well. Rest assured they are all being well taken care of.”

“What do you want?”

“Like I said, I want you to stall in recovering the information.”

“Why? Why would I do that?”

“Because I want Sabastian Capribella.”

“Who?” I questioned. The name unfamiliar.

“Who the man is of no concern to you. What does concern you is taking your time getting that information. If you can do that, it will give me the time to get what I want. When I have recovered what I want, Mr. Doherty’s son and the others will be returned and unharmed.” The dead man walking said, getting to his feet.

Watching him walk away, I clearly stated. “They are going to kill you. You must know that.”

“They are more than welcome to try.” The man said, walking into the shadow from which he came.

I was returned to the clubhouse in the same sedan. The second the vehicle rolled into the compound, Savage and the two others stood, while a man in a suit removed their bindings. As I stepped out of the vehicle Savage ran to me, grabbing me in a tight hug.

“Are you okay?”

Shaking my head, I muttered, “No. I am not okay.”