Page 7 of Savage


The sun was shining brightly as we pulled back into the compound. It took us four days to make the trip home and though part of me was happy to be home, the other part was begging me to turn around and run away again. I wasn't sure what my brothers were going to think when they saw me, let alone what Reaper would do when I walked into the clubhouse. I've been gone for so long. I guess it didn't really matter how long I’ve been gone. I never accomplished what I set out to do. I never found the son of a bitch who killed my sister. I knew I was going to need help and when Jessica suggested we return home, I didn't see any other way. I just wanted all this over. I wanted to be able to sleep at night and not see her in my nightmares. I wanted to avenge her death.

“Well look what the cat dragged in,” Ghost said, coming up behind me carrying his daughter Rebekah in his arms. Looking at the little girl, I noticed how much she had grown since I’d been gone. She was looking more and more like her momma, Mia who died several months ago when Darrin Reynolds decided he wanted Remi, Reaper’s woman, back.

God, it felt longer than that. Years but it wasn’t.

So much drama, shit and death had happened lately that it was hard to take a breath. Brothers who pledged their lives to the club had been slaughtered for their part in this mess. No one knew who to trust anymore and everyone was on their guard.

“Are you home for good because damn I sure could use you around here,” Ghost said, holding out his hand for me to shake. Taking it, I nodded. “Yeah.”

“Well, you came back at the right time, brother. Remi is about to pop. Kid’s due any day now. Reaper has lost his shit. He has Sandman following her around everywhere with a to-go bag, with orders to bolt to the hospital if she so much as winces. It’s pissing her off. Ari is pregnant and with her morning sickness, I’ve been pulling double daddy duty with Rebekah, Hailey, Sunny and Jax. I could really use the help.”

“Where is Hailey?”

“In Bullseye’s room. I just put her down for a nap.”

“I’ll go check on her,” Jess said, getting off my bike before heading into the clubhouse saying nothing more.


Ghost said nothing as he shook his head.

I took that to mean he was in the wind, which didn’t bode well for me. I knew he blamed me for my sister, his wife’s death. I did too. She was my sister. Mine to protect and I gave Bullseye my word that nothing would happen. When it did, I knew the consequences would be severe. Bullseye wasn’t one to forgive and forget. Eventually he would make his way back to me and when he did, I would die. I knew that. Everyone knew that. My brother-in-law never missed. Ever.

Unlike me.

Looking around the compound, I spotted Massacre and Player in the garage. “Thought Player was leaving.”

“He did for about three days but he came home.”

“His woman?”

“Catarina. She’s good and so is their son, Colin.”

“Not pregnant yet, then?” I grinned.

“Not for lack of trying according to Player,” Ghost chuckled, then added, “Come on inside. We’ve got shit to discuss. I need to bring you up to speed about what’s been going on.”

“Am I going to like it?”

“Nope.” Ghost deadpanned.

Saying nothing more I followed Ghost into the clubhouse.

The place still looked as it did when I left. Brothers milling around, drinking, talking, trying to get a piece of ass. Though it was still early, I knew the cut sluts would be up for anything a brother wanted or needed.

When a particular cut slut spotted me, I cringed.

Shit. I forgot about her.


“Savage!” the buxom bleached blonde shouted, running to me. However, before she could wrap her nine-inch nails around me, I stepped back. “Not a good time, Darla.”

“But baby, I’ve missed you.” She pouted and I wanted to roll my eyes. Before, seeing her do that would make me give in and do what she wanted. Now, it aggravated me to no end. The fact was she was just my part-time piece of ass. Nothing more. We had fun and she was good at sucking my cock but that’s where our relationship ended. She wanted more and I wanted nothing more to do with her.

In all honesty, I was just over all of it. The sluts, hangers-on, everything. My focus had shifted and nothing, no one was going to change my course. Not even a cut slut that could suck the paint off a tailpipe.