Page 67 of Savage


“You need to get your ass back in bed. You are not traveling across the fucking country woman!” I argued, as she moved slowly about her room, packing her belongings, ignoring me. Reaper wanted us on the road as soon as possible. He still wanted that information Kitty left. Why, I didn’t know, because I thought we had bigger issues than a fucking message my sister left in Florida.

No matter what I said, Reaper didn’t want to hear it. In his eyes he believed that what my sister left was the key to stopping this whole mess. I didn’t see how that was possible. Yes, my sister was fucking smarter than Einstein but I didn’t see how she could know about everything that was currently going on. Club business yes but not this Division shit. Then again, I knew not to question my sister’s logic.

“I’m fine, Lucas. Relax.”

“Don’t tell me to relax woman. I can see the pain in your eyes. You just had fucking surgery. You need to be resting.”

“It was a laparoscopic surgery. Two small incisions.”

“Woman, you stabbed yourself!”

“And Healer said that there was minimal damage. Just seven stitches. I have painkillers if the pain gets too bad.”

“Minimal damage? Minimal damage!” I shouted. “Fuck Jessica, he had to remove one of your ovaries.”

“And I have a spare,” she said, throwing more clothes into a small bag. “Now quit busting my balls and go pack. I am not your maid.”

Throwing my hands in the air, I stomped from her room and headed to mine. She was driving me crazy. Didn’t she understand this trip wasn’t going to be easy. This wasn’t a vacation we were going on. We needed to hit the road and drive fast. This wasn’t a leisure drive through the countryside.

“Stubborn, infuriating, pain in my ass,” I muttered, kicking my bedroom door opened. Walking over to my closet, I grabbed my duffle and started throwing shit into it.

This whole situation was a cluster fuck. We had enemies surrounding us and Reaper wanted me to take her on a fucking road trip. My ass was needed here to help coordinate for the coming fucknuts. Why did these jackasses think they could take on the Golden Skulls? We weren’t a wimpy pussy club like most of the motorcycle clubs. We were badass mother fuckers and didn’t think twice about ripping a man’s dick from their body. But no, these asshats wanted to come at us. Their loss. And where was I going to be? In fucking Florida on a God damned treasure hunt.

Fuck my life.

Checking my guns, I was about to zip up my bag when Reaper and Ghost walked into my room. Bracing myself for what they wanted now, I stood there staring at them.

“All packed?” Reaper asked, closing my bedroom door, then leaning against it as he stared at his phone. Ghost was looking everywhere but at me.

My eyes narrowed.

They wanted something else.

What, they need more of my blood?

“Yeah,” I cautiously replied, waiting for them to drop another bomb in my lap. Why not? It wasn’t as if they’d put me through enough shit already, lets pound on me some more.

“Need you to take the remaining Florida Chapter with you.”

“What for?” I questioned, the hairs on the back of my neck rising.

“They won’t be coming back,” Reaper clearly said which had me looking at the man as if he’d lost his damned mind.

“You’re letting them go?” I asked incredulously.

“Not really.” Reaper said, finally looking up at me and it was then I knew what he wanted.

Like I said…Fuck. My. Life!

“Judge and Maverick have volunteered to go and help.”

“You expect me to take care of club business with Jess around?”

“Just take care of it how you see fit but get it done.”

“Sandman?” I questioned. I had no problem doing what Reaper wanted but Sandman was another story. That mother fucker scared the shit out of me. He was a born killer. He killed indiscriminately. He rivaled Reaper on a good day, I didn’t want to see what the man was capable of on a bad one. Besides, I didn’t relish killing my sister’s twin brother even though he was partially responsible for her death. If he had just gone with us when he had the chance, she might still be alive. She would have never been in that dilapidated house. She would be alive today busting my balls for one thing or another.