Page 51 of Savage


Sitting at the bar while I waited for Jess to finish whatever she was doing downstairs, I searched on my phone for something particular. I knew what I was looking for. It should have been easy to find but I wasn’t having any luck.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Massacre asked, as he and his brother, Player, sat down next to me.

“None of your damn business,” I muttered, flipping through the pages on my phone. “Why are you two here. Don’t you have vehicles that need work?”

“Done,” Player said, reaching across the bar grabbing two beers, before handing one to his brother.

“Let Ghost know. I’m sure he will find something else for you two numbskulls to do.”

“Let me know what?” Ghost said, finding a seat then grabbing a beer.

“Rocky and Bullwinkle have nothing to do.”

“Hey!” Massacre whined. “We got plenty to do. We’re just caught up at the moment.”

“Uh huh,” Ghost sighed, then asked. “Where’s Reaper?”

“Saw him go upstairs,” I muttered, never taking my eyes off my phone.

“How are things going with Jess?”


“You planning on moving it along ‘cause Reaper won’t wait forever?”

“Working on it.”

“I can see that and just what are you working on?”

Grinning as I finally found what I was looking for, I pressed the buy now button, held out my phone and showed Ghost. “This is what I’m doing.”

The second Ghost saw what was on my phone he spit his beer across the bar and started choking. Player quickly started hitting him on the back. When Ghost could speak again, he looked at me as if I lost my mind. “How the fuck is that going to help?

Giving him my biggest smile, I replied, “It’s not, but it will help me.”

“You’re an idiot.”

“True but this idiot knows how to play the game.”

“Guys,” Phantom said, getting all of our attention. “We got a problem.”

“Fuck,” Ghost hung his head, getting to his feet.

Putting my phone away, we all followed Phantom to her office. I hated this room. There were too many computers. I never knew what I was looking at. To make matters worse, just listening to Phantom as she typed on her computers made me feel like the dumbest box of rocks on the planet.

“I would have taken this to Reaper first, but I knew his head would be elsewhere with the baby and Remi.”

“What’s going on?” Ghost asked, taking a seat as the rest of us crowded around Phantom.

“This,” she said, clicking away on her keyboard. The monitors changed to the live feed of the compound’s security cameras. Stepping closer, I scoured the many cameras not seeing anything.

“Right here,” Phantom pointed to one of the cameras.

Looking closer, I growled.