Page 41 of Savage

Ripping off the bloody gloves, I ran from the infirmary, up the stairs to find Healer. When I didn’t see him in the common room, I was about to run up to the second floor, thinking he may be sleeping when Judge stopped me.

“Jess? What’s wrong?”

“Cord prolapse. She’s hemorrhaging.”

“Shit!” he cursed, running down the stairs, as he shouted for his brother and Massacre waking everyone in the clubhouse up. I was behind him when he flew down the stairs flipping all the lights on as he started barking orders.

“I will get scrubbed. Get her ready, Jessie.”

Already knowing what to do, I quickly dawned a surgical gown and mask before heading over to Remi. She was still sleeping when I removed the blankets covering her. Next, I removed the baby monitor and unhooked all her electrodes around her stomach.

“What’s going on?” Reaper asked, sitting up, yawning.

Kicking the lock off on her bed, I started moving her, when Reaper stopped me. “Where the fuck are you taking her?”

Healer and Massacre ran past me towards the surgical room Judge was in. Ghost and several brothers followed, waiting. Looking at Ghost, I stared at him praying he understood the severity of the situation.

“Come on Reaper. Let’s go get a drink,” he said, forcefully placing his hand on the President’s shoulder, trying to get him to move out of my way. Reaper jerked him off, never taking his eyes off me. “What the fuck is going on!”

“Reaper, man. Come on. Let Jess take care of Remi,” Savage moved to stand in front of him, giving me the room, I needed to move Remi. The second I pushed her bed towards the surgical room, Reaper roared. If it wasn’t for the men, he would have killed me.

Massacre walked out of the room at that moment, grabbed the foot of her bed and helped me move her into the room. When we had her situated, I kicked the surgical door closed. That was when Reaper let out a heartbreaking scream of grief.

I knew that sound.

Heard it many times when a loved one knew that their loved one was dying. It was a heart breaking, soul crushing sound that no one would ever forget. I never did. I could remember every patient and person who screamed that scream. Their faces would always be with me. Reminding me of how precious life was.

“Her blood pressure is dropping,” Massacre said frantically, as he pushed a needle into her IV.

“Shit,” Judge said, reaching for the scalpel. “Put her under, now!”

“Already did. Your good to go.”

I stood beside Healer, as Judge made the incision. The emergency C-section took less than a minute and when Judge reached his hands into Remi’s womb and removed a chubby screaming baby, I wanted to cry.

“He’s got a good set of lungs,” Judge stated, handing the baby to me, as Healer quickly cut the umbilical cord. The second I stepped away with Remi’s baby, Healer took my place as both brothers tried desperately to stop Remi’s bleeding. I wanted to help them but my job was to take care of the baby. Wiping off his little face, I noticed the full head of hair and a cute little dimple in his chin. His coloring was good and if his lungs were any indication, the little boy could scream the compound down.

“Apgar’s is a ten. He’s perfect,” I stated, listening to his heartbeat. Picking him up I transferred him to the weigh machine and laughed. “Oh wow. He’s twelve pounds nine ounces and twenty-three inches long.”

“Leave it to Reaper to have the biggest kid on the planet,” Massacre chuckled, checking her vitals.

“Get him cleaned up and update Reaper. We’ve got the bleeding under control.” Healer said, looking over his shoulder at me.

“What about her uterus?”

“In tack,” Healer confirmed. “Next time, we induce labor. No more of this waiting shit. Fuck, I should have monitored her better. She is too damn small to be having a twelve-pound kid.”

Cleaning up the little big boy, I wrapped him in a fresh warm blanket and took him out of the room. Seeing all the men standing around, waiting for any word, I walked over to Reaper who was sitting in a chair, his head in his hands.


He didn’t look up as he asked, “Is she alive?”

“She is. Judge and Healer were able to stop the bleeding in time. She will be able to have more kids when she is ready.”

Hearing me say that Reaper let go of the tension h was holding back and cried openly in front of everyone. No one said a damn word. Relief marred their faces as brothers began hugging each other. I spotted Sunny, Remi’s sister standing in the corner, crying as Solomon consoled her.

“Would you like to hold your son?” I asked.