Page 34 of Savage

“I know.”

“Solomon, what do you mean he killed your sister?”

“Katherine. He killed Katherine.”

I was confused. Solomon didn’t have any siblings. Well, none that I knew of. What he said didn’t make sense. Really looking at him I tried to understand what he was saying and when he turned to look at me, I gulped, as I looked into the same crystal blue eyes I’d seen before.

It was impossible.

Toxic couldn’t have been that stupid. Why would he do something like that? What purpose did that serve?

Unless…she was right.

I didn’t want to believe her when she told me. It was too crazy. Too farfetched. Part of me always thought she just made it up. That she got it from something she read. But she wasn’t lying. The truth was staring me in the face.

Shaking my head, I slowly stood.

No…this was a mistake.

Savage was Kitty’s brother. Solomon didn’t have siblings. He was an only child. He fucking said so, many times.

“What’s going on?” Savage asked, walking over with Hailey.

I couldn’t.

Not him too. Not the boy I considered my brother, who held me at night when I was scared. Not the boy who was my shadow for years, never leaving my side. The boy that was always there to protect me.

Not him too.

What other lives did Toxic destroy? I knew he was vile but I never thought.

Solomon was a sweet boy. He never did anything to anyone. Why would Toxic take him from his own mother? Was he really Kitty’s brother?

“Jess, take a deep breath,” I faintly heard Reaper say as he helped Remi sit down next to Solomon.

“No. He can’t be Kitty’s brother. Savage is Kitty’s brother. Not Solomon.”

“Jess,” Reaper said, walking towards me slowly. “There is a lot you don’t know and I will tell you what I can but trust me when I say that Solomon is Kitty’s biological brother. They were twins.”

“No,” I stuttered, shaking my head.

What the fuck did Toxic do?

“Baby, breathe for me,” Savage whispered worriedly, his hands caressing my arms. Locking onto his mossy green eyes, I tried to do as he said. “That’s it. Take a deep breath. You’re doing good Jess. Take another.”

Looking at all of them, Solomon sitting next to Remi. Remi who held Hailey. Reaper standing next to them, protectively. Savage, concerned and worried, I asked, “She wasn’t lying, was she?”

“Who?” Reaper asked cautiously, taking a tentative step forward.

Shit. I shouldn’t have said that.

Shaking my head, I refused to say anything. I couldn’t.

Not that it mattered now.

They know I know something.
