Page 3 of Savage

That’s what Mom always said. I had no filter.

She also told me to think before I spoke but I never listened.

So, when I uttered those words, I knew I had just made a mistake that would change everything. So, color me surprised when my baby sister took off like a bat out of hell, running as if her life depended on it towards the deluge of armed men, shooting at anything that moved.

Fuck me. I was going to die today.

“Kitty!” I screamed her name over and over again as I raced after her. When I got my hands on her, I was going to beat her ass. She had a death wish. She had to. There was no other explanation for her actions.

Holy fuck! Where did all these fuckers come from?

Watching the shack earlier, I only counted ten of them.

Fuck me, they were multiplying.

This was not good.

Shooting my way through the bodies, I tried my damndest to keep an eye on my sister. Like me, her aim was true. Unlike me, she was fast. Fucking brat could always outrun a fucking rabbit.

God help her if she got one scratch on her ass. Reaper would reap my soul and Bullseye would definitely put a brass bullet in my head.

Ducking behind a tree, I quickly emptied my clips and inserted new ones. Thank God, I never went anywhere without backup. Fuck, I hoped I had enough ammo for this shit. Taking a deep breath, I took off running towards the shack, shooting at anyone not wearing a Golden Skulls cut.

I spotted Kitty over by the shack. I was about to shout out a warning as two men came around the backside of the house. Kitty must have heard them. As they raised their guns, I heard my sister laugh. She didn’t think twice about taking the two fuckers out.

Seeing the men fall, I watched as Kitty ran past them to the other side of the shack.

Fuck! I couldn’t see her.

This was not good.

Men came running from all directions. There were too many of them. Hearing my guns click, I didn’t think twice as I threw them on the ground, reaching for the gun in the hands of a dead man.

He wasn’t going to need it anyway.

The more men I killed the closer I was to getting to Kitty. The gunfire was so loud that I was sure it would alert the authorities. It was bad enough I had a lot to explain to Reaper. I was not looking forward to explaining how I got myself arrested too, because that was definitely going to happen if the cops showed up.

Making my way towards the shack, a loud thunderclap shook the ground as the rain kicked into high gear, now a deluge pouring from the sky. The only good thing was that the storm muffled the shots.

Seeing an AR-15 on the ground, I smiled.

Fuck it. I only live once, right?

Picking up the weapon, I let hell rain down.

Killing everything in my path, I was a few feet from the shack when I heard gunshots go off inside the small, dilapidated structure.

Fear slithered down my back.

Oh fuck. I shouldn’t have let her go in there.

I should have stopped her. But what the fuck did I do? What I always did where she was concerned. I followed her lead and now look where that got me. She better not be hurt if she knows what’s good for her.

One scratch and I was a dead man walking.

Shooting the last motherfucker outside, I turned towards the shack and kicked the door open. Gun raised, I entered the house.

What I saw would haunt me for the rest of my life.