Page 25 of Savage

Reaper cleared his throat then clearly said so no one could mistake his words, “Since her father can’t be found, I am taking responsibility for her until he is brought to justice. She is mine to protect.”

“What?” Savage gasped, looking between me and Reaper. “Wait a damn minute. She is mine. I claim her.”

Oh, hell no! I was not going to sit here and let these overgrown buffoons tell me what I can and cannot do. I knew what Reaper meant and what Savage was saying. I’d been around club life long enough to know what claiming meant and I wanted no part of it.

“Wait just a damn minute,” I jumped to my feet. “I belong to no one and I sure as hell don’t need someone protecting me. I can take care of myself.”

“Be that as it may Jess, you are in fact a daughter of the Golden Skulls. You are here at my request. You accepted and as such, I will take responsibility.”

“Fine then. I quit!”

“You can’t quit, you refused payment.”

“Then I’ll just leave.”

“And go where? I am sure your father knows about you by now. With him still out there, I can’t take the chance of him getting to you. The Golden Skulls protect their own and you are one of us.”

“The hell I am. I want nothing to do with your club. I left because of this club. I’ve disappeared before and I can do it again.”

“I’m sorry Jess but no. It’s too dangerous,” Reaper said, sternly then added, “Savage, I will take your claim under advisement. She is off limits until the matter with her father is settled.”

“What the fuck!” Savage roared. “Who the fuck is her dad?”

When Reaper didn’t say anything, Ghost said, “Toxic.”

I didn’t know what Savage would say but I didn’t expect him to get up and leave the room. Watching him go was hard. I knew something was bothering him and whatever it was had to do with Toxic but now was not the time to ask, especially when Ghost said, “Give him time, Jess. Toxic was supposed to meet him and Kitty the night she died. He and a few others from the Florida chapter were supposed to give them backup. They never showed. All of us blame your father for what happened to Kitty. Savage more so than anyone.”


Reaper leaned back in his chair, looked me dead in the eye and asked, “So Jess, tell me something. Just how long were you and Kitty friends?”


I wished the floor would open up and swallow me whole. I knew coming back to this club was a mistake. I let my feelings for Savage override the warning signs flashing in my head. Now I was stuck. Reaper would have someone watching me if I tried to leave now. I’d seen what happened when a woman disobeyed a club brother.

It wasn’t pretty.

I was screwed, in more ways than one.

Setting back in my chair, I steeled my face and shut my mouth. There was nothing more for me to say. I refused to give this bastard what he wanted. I made a promise and I was going to keep it. There was nothing he could do to me to get me to talk. Ever.

When Reaper leaned towards me, I flinched, waiting for his fist. I saw this tactic many times back home in Florida when a club brother would try to intimidate a woman. When that didn’t work, they resorted to physical violence. But when the pain didn’t come, I glared at him, waiting, daring him to strike me.

Reaper stopped. Looked at Ghost before moving back away from me. “Jess, I don’t know what you’re thinking right now but I would never hit you. I just want to talk to you. Ask you some questions. That’s it.”

“Boss, I think maybe we give her some time. Look at her. She’s expecting a beat-down.”

“He’s right Reaper. Her fear is screaming right now,” Phantom said, slowly getting up, walking around the table to sit next to me. Taking my hand in hers she whispered, “Jess, no one here will hurt you. I give you, my word. No brother will ever lay their hands on you.”

“You can’t promise me that,” I muttered, removing my hand from hers. “You are one of them. Once a brother, always a brother. Gold runs in your veins.”

Seconds ticked by before I heard Reaper say. “Jess, I’m sure Healer can use your help in the infirmary. When you can, I would like an update on Ink.”

I didn’t need to be told twice.

I left.