Page 19 of Savage


Watching her flee the room as if her ass was on fire, I wondered what it was I did wrong. Did I say something? Do something I shouldn’t have? I thought we had a pretty good day. She laughed at my jokes and even blushed once when I said something racy.

Jess wasn’t like other women. She was a class unto herself. I knew from the first moment I met her she was different. A game changer and when she hauled off and slapped me across the face because I whispered something dirty into her ear, I knew she was the one for me.

For a while I tried everything I could think of to get her to notice me. Sent flowers, candy, stuffed animals, hell I even sent her a pet rock once as a joke. But nothing. Not one single thank you or call telling me to fuck off. I knew I should have taken the hint but fuck me sideways, was she unforgettable.

God, she was a beautiful woman too, inside and out. Kind too and holy fuck was she smart. Smokin’ hot body to boot. She was the woman of my dreams and yet every time I tried to get her to open up, she reverted deeper into her shell.

I don’t know when it happened, maybe when I first met her over a year ago when Remi was hurt in Louisiana. Maybe it was when she stayed by my side when my sister died or one of the many times she took care of me when I drank myself into oblivion, who knows. What I did know was the nurse Jessica was special. To special for the likes of me and I was secretly in love with her.

Maybe it was best she kept herself apart from the club. What could I offer her? A life of danger and death. That wasn’t a way to live. I should know, it was my life. I didn’t want that for her. Nope. I needed to do the right thing and just stay away from her. Keep my distance. It was best.

Besides, she wasn’t here because I asked her, only because Reaper paid her to be. She was a damn good nurse and I knew Healer and Judge could use her help. As for me, I was Golden. I had responsibilities concerning the club that I would never be able to share with her. I didn’t think a woman like Jess would understand that. In fact, I knew she wouldn’t.

Finding a woman was easy. It was finding an Ol’Lady that was impossible. Most women didn’t hold with secrets and let’s face it, the club was all about its secrets. I didn’t have a nine to five job that I could come home to after a long day at work and spill my guts to my woman. If I did that Reaper would reap my soul. Club business was club business. Only those with a Golden Skull patch on their cut was allowed in the know. Those women who accepted that, were allowed to marry or wear their old man’s property patch.

That was something I couldn’t see Jess doing let alone wear. She’d have my balls in a vice if I ever asked her to wear my property patch.

It didn’t matter. She made it perfectly clear that she didn’t want that kind of relationship with me. Just friends. That was it. Nothing more. She was a good friend too. Helped me kick the alcohol, got my head back on straight and made me see the light.

Because of her, I hadn’t taken a drink since the night I fled the clubhouse. Didn’t even want one. Not even a sip.

I had bigger things on my plate than getting drunk.

My niece for one.

She needed me.

I may not know what the fuck I was doing but I was willing to step up to the plate. Well, until Bullseye got off his ass and came back to his senses. Until that day, I was all my little Princess had. I wasn’t going to fuck that up. ‘Cause, God help me if I did. My sister would surely come back from the dead and kick my ass. My sister was formidable alive but dead…she would scare the living shit out of me.

Checking on Hailey once more, I quietly left the room and grabbed the baby monitor as I silently closed the door. Heading downstairs, I saw several of the brother’s gearing up for a night of drinks, cards and sex. On any other night, I would be right there with them, in the thick of it. But not tonight. Tonight, I just wanted to sit and relax for a bit and have a decent conversation that didn’t entail death or dismemberment.

Seeing, Reaper at the bar nursing a beer, I sat next to him, placing the baby monitor before me.

“The usual, Savage?” Chaos asked, working behind the bar. I shook my head, “Got a Yoohoo behind there?”

“What?” my brother looked at me as if I’d lost my head.

Grinning, I just said, “I’ll take a club soda.”

“How old are you again?” Ghost chuckled from the other side of Reaper.

“Old enough to know that Yoohoo is better than Nesquik.”

“Fuck,” Reaper groaned, placing his beer on the bar. “Are we really going to debate the differences of chocolate milk tonight?”

“Nope because I know I’m right. So, how’s Remi?”

“Still fucking pregnant.” Reaper growled, before taking another drink. I tried unsuccessfully to hide my smile. Ghost on the other hand laughed loudly. We all knew that Remi was miserable and taking her misery out on Reaper. Our poor brother had been in the doghouse for weeks for one thing or another. We all wanted Remi back to normal, none more so than Reaper.

“Seriously though, I thought pregnancies were only forty weeks. It’s been forty-two weeks. When is she going to drop my kid?” Reaper asked no one in particular.

“Most first-time pregnancies are longer than normal. She will have the baby when she’s ready,” Phantom said, sitting next to me. “In fact, the longest recorded first pregnancy is forty-five weeks, give or take a few days.”

“Fucking kill me now. I can’t do this shit for another three weeks. My woman will kill me.”

“You can always have sex with her,” Chaos said, placing a beer in front of Phantom. “I heard that having sex can start labor. Something about the stimulation or some shit like that.”