Page 118 of Savage


“Go away,” Jess moaned. “You’re making it worse.”

She still looked a little green around the edges and if she got any paler, I would be able to see right through her. Whatever made her sick was slowly leaving her body, as Healer administered a saline drip and insisted she lay down while he ran some test.

God knows what bug she came in contact with. Bouncing around the country couldn’t have been good for her. Who the hell knows what she came in contact with and if she got that nasty virus shit going around the world, I would never forgive myself.

“Does it hurt anywhere?” I asked, hovering over her.

“Yes!” she sat up and screamed in my face. “You are giving me a headache. Now go away!”

“Savage, leave.” Healer said, never looking up from the medical book he was reading.

“But she’s sick.”

“She will live. Now go.”

“Fine,” I muttered, quickly kissing her forehead and stepping back. “I will be right upstairs baby. If you need me, just yell.”

“Go,” Jess whispered, laying back down and closing her eyes.

I didn’t want to leave her but I was technically needed upstairs. Church wasn’t over yet and I needed to be there in case of a vote or something.

By the time I made it back upstairs, I found the common void of all females. Even Roxy had disappeared. Taking my seat, I listened as Reaper and the Guardian argued, “I don’t give a fuck. We aren’t leaving.”

Oh great. This argument again. Why couldn’t the suit take the hint? Reaper was pretty clear the last time when he said this club wasn’t going anywhere. Don’t know why the fucker thought our Prez would change his mind now. In fact, if anything, Reaper would be more determined to stay now that his kid was back under the clubhouse again.

“Ascari is on the move.”

“So?” Reaper asked.

“He is coming for her.”

“He can try,” Ghost challenged, as me and the rest of my brothers all nodded.

“Look Reaper, I know you are trying to clean up this mess and you’ve done a bang-up job but this man isn’t just going to walk away. He is pissed at your club. He wants all of you dead for what you’ve done to his business.”

“Business?” Reaper growled. “The man fucking traffics men, women and children, Gideon. That’s not a business. The man is a slave trader and if he steps one foot on Skull property, I will eviscerate his ass.”

“Wait a minute,” King said, interrupting. “The Skulls traffic too.”

“Used too. I put a stop to all of that shit when I took over. The sins of our former brothers will never be reaped upon me or mine again.”

“That explains why we haven’t seen a Skull in five years,” Gunner said.

“And the rumors we’ve heard,” Pyro added.

King looked at Reaper. “Does any of this shit have to do with my niece?”


“Listen Reaper, I can’t stress this enough. Abdul Jamil Ascari isn’t one to fuck with. He will come. He will kill you and he will take Lena.”

“Who?” King asked.

“Me,” Phantom muttered quickly, holding her hand up as she never took her eyes from her laptop.

“Why does this asshole want you?” King asked curiously.