Page 116 of Savage


“Everyone sit the fuck down,” I ordered, as Ghost herded the last of the brothers into the common room. The room was full. All my officers were present, even Ink who overheard the conversation downstairs and refused to be left out of this meeting. King and his brothers were sitting to my left, while Savage, who held Hailey, Jess and Roxy were to my right. The rest of my brothers were all standing, watching with rapt attention wondering what the hell was going on.

It wasn’t every day that I called church in a public place and had females present. In fact, Ari was in the room, standing next to Ghost, gently rubbing her growing belly. My own woman Remi was present, who was currently nursing our son.

“Max, can you make this quick, I have a hair appointment in an hour,” Remi said breaking the silence. “And I need you to watch Jesse.”

Several of my brothers snickered as I groaned. “Sure babe.”

“And I’ve got pies in the oven,” Ari added. “I baked an apple and pecan pie.”

“Oh, I love pecan,” Roxy smiled up at Ari.

“What’s for dinner?” Ink asked, rubbing his stomach.

“I was thinking of pot roast, with mashed potatoes and fried okra.”

“You know what would be good with that? Cornbread,” Jessica added. “And some sweet tea.”

Rubbing my face, I groaned.

This was why women weren’t patched in. Their minds were all over the place. Nobody gave a shit about dinner. It was only ten in the morning! I just needed a few seconds of silence to get my thoughts together. Just one fucking second.

“You let women sit in on church meetings?” King asked, shaking his head.

“No,” I growled. “This is a first.”

“You better lock this shit down fast before they really get started.” He advised.

That’s all I needed.

The president of a rival club telling me how to run my club.

“Everyone. SHUT. UP!”

“Jeez asshole, no need to shout,” Phantom snarly said, walking into the room with her fucking laptop. I really hated that thing. It was always with her. She sat at one of the card tables and opened it, as I began. “Okay. The only reason all of us are in here is because church isn’t big enough. So, for those of you that are not patched members, please keep your comments to yourself. As most of you already know, it has come to this club’s attention that Jessica is my biological sister. We recently learned that Jessica is the niece of King, the President of the Sons of Hell. But what’s more interesting is that our Roxy is somehow related to them. Care to explain, Roxy?”

“You just said that non-patched members can’t talk,” Roxy replied. King, Gunner and Pyro chuckled. I groaned. “Speak woman.”

“Fine. I am their aunt.”


“What more do I need to say. I spoke clearly,” Roxy sneered as several of the brothers chuckled. This meeting was already giving me a headache.

“What Aunt Roxy left out is that she is the sister to our father,” King added, grinning at Roxy, who winked at the man.

“How did I not know this?” I asked.

“Seems there’s a lot you don’t know,” Gunner whispered.

“FUCK!” I shouted, making everyone jump. “Will someone start talking before I lose my shit!”

“Chill out, asshole. I’ve got ya,” Phantom said, and began. “Roxanna Chasity Montclair was the sister to Conner Montclair also known as Steel, the President of Sons of Hell. Roxy as we all know her, married Lee Roy Franks at the age of eighteen. According to the club files, the marriage was facilitated by your father Reaper, William Doherty but the files don’t say why.”

“William needed the alliance to run guns through our territory. Only it wasn’t guns he was running,” King stated angrily, filling in the blanks. “He was trafficking women. When my dad found out, he cut ties with your club and issued a kill order if any Skulls were caught in our territory. No questions asked.”

“That’s why William went to war with your club,” I said, as the timeline began to fall into place.