Page 112 of Savage


I felt like death.

Did death have a feeling, ‘cause if it did, that’s what I felt like. My whole fucking body hurt and I wasn’t even going to think of the drum solo in my head right now. My mouth was as dry as the damn desert. My hands felt swollen and stiff almost as if I spent the night beating the hell out of someone. The hair on my head hurt for crying out loud. How in the hell does hair hurt?

Moaning, I tried to sit up, only to get dizzy which caused me to lay back down. Fuck, I felt drunk.

“Don’t get up,” I heard Healer and moaned again. Did the man have to shout. We were in doors not at a rock concert.

“Not so loud asshole.”

“I wasn’t yelling but I can,” He smiled, walking over to me, scraping his chair along the floor making my whole body rebel and cringe. “What the hell happened to me?”

“You got drunk at the Golden Lounge.”

“Impossible. I don’t drink anymore.”

“Well, you did last night but that’s not the biggest problem.”

I looked at the cranky doctor not understanding what could be worse than getting drunk.

Healer shook his head, then added, “While at the lounge, you hooked up with Darla.”

And just like that I was wide awake.

“What the fuck did you just say?”

“Do I need to run an MRI on you? Did you hit your head?”

“Healer don’t fuck with me right now. Just repeat what you said.”

Healer sighed. “You were pissed, rightfully so I might add and took off and headed to town. You stopped off at the Golden Lounge where you proceeded to get drunk. Then if that wasn’t bad enough, you hooked up with Darla and let her suck your dick. That’s when Jess found you. You my friend are up shit’s creek without a paddle. Now hold still while I make sure you are in perfect health before Jessica kills you.”

I was a dead man walking.

My woman was going to kill me.

Okay kill was too vague of a word. My woman was going to rip my dick from my body and shove it up my ass.

Yeah, that sounded better. I cringed at the mental picture I had in my head. It was vivid too. I could clearly see her smiling when she maimed me, laughing like some maniacal dominatrix hell bent on inflicting pain while all my brothers watched in rapt attention.

My ass was an exit only. I hadn’t even gotten to her ass and she was going to breach mine.

Fuck my life.

I had to get out of here fast.

I needed time to prepare. To formulate a plan of action.

I could plead ignorance. I was drunk, right. Nobody could be blamed for anything they did while drunk. I was inebriated, I killed brain cells. Shit. That wasn’t going to work. She already knew I didn’t have a brain. I thought with my dick.


Yes, groveling worked. I just needed time to get my shit together and then I would calmly sit her down and make her see reason. I could do it. I could be logical. Hell, I had to have one working brain cell left. How hard could groveling be. Too easy.

“Don’t even think about it,” I heard her voice, snapping my head to the side to find her standing there staring at me with her arms crossed and a stare that made my dick shrivel up into my stomach.

“Hi baby!”