Page 8 of Player

“And that is?”

“We set a trap. A very nice, neat trap, with tuxedos and ball gowns. We are going to invite him to a party.”

“And your brother will go along with this?” Reaper asked.

“Yes.” Sal nodded.

“Then let’s go fill him in.”

Leaving the room, we all walked down the hall, stopping before Gio’s room. “Stay put, Massacre. If you as so much move an inch, I will castrate you. Got me?” Reaper sternly ordered.

Sal chuckled as he pointed at Reaper. “I like him, Dwayne. I think he and I are going to be good friends.”

“Shut up, Sal,” Massacre muttered, leaning against the hall wall, saying nothing more.

“I see you and Massacre don’t get along,” Ghost laughed.

“Oh, I love the big oaf. We share a love of fighting. We love to fight each other.”

“Fuck, and I thought it was only Player and Massacre. Now, you too? I don’t think I can take much more of your family, Mr. Valentinetti.”

Sal smiled brightly. “It’s Sal. Gio is called, Mr. Valentinetti, and don’t worry, you’ll get used to us.”

“I doubt it. Player, let's get this meeting over with.”

Knocking on Gio’s door, I stood there wondering what more hell could be heaped upon us all. Of course, I should have known never to think that because I was soon to hear that hell opened its doors and invited all of us in.

None of us were safe.


“Gio, we need to talk,” I said, looking sideways at Reaper, who looked as if he hadn’t slept in days.

Gio stood standing in his robe, then nodded and moved to the side, letting me, Sal, Reaper, and Ghost into his room. As Gio sat at the small table, he asked, “How is young Dylan?”

“In a coma,” Ghost said when Reaper stayed silent. “Reaper thought it best the doctor’s kept him that way until his incision began to heal. If not, Reaper told the Doc that there would be no stopping Dylan from hurting himself. The Doc agreed. The surgery went well. So far, so good.”

Gio nodded and said nothing more, waiting for someone to speak up. I could have told Reaper or Ghost, that my cousin was more of a listener than a talker. He preferred to listen to the facts first before speaking.

“Gio, I’ve been talking with Ghost and Reaper,” Sal began, looking at me then Ghost. “Some new information has come up. We have a plan.”

“What information? What plan? I didn’t know we needed one. I was under the assumption that until Mr. Franks was out of the woods, we were all here to support the club. What has changed?”

“One of our techs, Sypher, has gotten wind that Diablo is on the move. He knew about the raid on the compound. He isn’t happy.” Ghost carefully said.

Gio cocked his head, staying silent. I knew that look. Seen it many times. Gio was waiting for Ghost to tell the whole truth. Gio had always had a keen sense of when someone was withholding information. The man was like a walking human lie detector.

“What did he do?” Gio asked.

“Player, get Sypher on the phone,” Ghost ordered as I quickly did as I was told. When the call connected, I placed the phone in the middle of the table.

“Hi, Mr. Player!” a young voice cheerfully said.

“Kid, it’s Ghost. I need you to tell Mr. Valentinetti everything you told Reaper and me about Diablo.”

“Yes, Mr. Ghost. Mr. Valentinetti, as I told my President and V.P., I’ve been tracking the Collector or Diablo as we know him for months now. I keep track of everywhere he goes. When the club raided the compound three days ago, Diablo went dark for twenty-four hours. I don’t know where he was or what he was doing during that time. But when he reappeared, I found him. He is in Chicago and has been for two days now.”

“And this interest me how?”