Page 80 of Player

I wanted this shit to end tonight.

My stomach was in knots.

Looking over the property once more, I waited patiently for any sign of my son. I needed to see him in the flesh. Just something to let me know he was in that house when all of a sudden, the front door opened, and out walked Gary Hughes with my son next to him.

Fuck me, he was so fucking small.

His shaggy mop of hair blowing furiously in the chilly wind had me cursing the mother fucker for not putting a hat on my son’s head. He could catch pneumonia in this weather. Hughes stopped and talked to one of the men when several black SUVs sped down the driveway.

Hughes seeing the vehicles, ran back inside, leaving my son on the front porch alone as the rent-a-cops drew their weapons, racing down the steps to greet them.

The second the first shot rang out, I was running for dear life.

Men spilled out of the SUV, immediately returning fire as more rent-a-cops rushed out from within the house. My son jumped and started running, right towards the firing squad.

I could hear my brothers shouting and screaming as I raced to get to my son. Gunshots were heard from all directions as I watched Colin’s little legs run as fast as he could. The dirt, grass, and snow erupted around him, where bullets barely missed his little body. Yet my son didn’t stop running.

I hurried across the front yard, my heart in my throat, when I witnessed a bullet ruffle my son’s hair. Colin stopped, putting his little hands over his ears, tears falling down his chubby cheeks. Racing as fast as I could, I watched as Colin turned, seeing me run towards him. He went to flee when I reached out, wrapping my arms around him, rolling with him to the ground.

Bullets hit all around us. Colin struggled to get free.

“You’re safe son. I’ve got you,” I whispered. My heart felt as if it were about to explode in my chest any minute.

I had my son.

My little boy was finally in my arms.

“Get him out of here!” Massacre shouted as he ran past me, shooting at anyone not wearing a Golden Skulls cut. Getting to my feet, I ran back towards the tree line until we were hidden. Stopping, I got to my knees, placing my son on his own two feet before me. I needed to make sure he was okay. And as I looked him over from head to toe, I kept whispering. “It’s okay son. Mommy’s waiting for you. I’m gonna take you to mommy.”

Colin stopped struggling against me and just stood there.

“Mommy’s going to be so happy to see you, buddy.”

Axel came up behind him and squatted next to me. “Found this in the house,” he said, reaching into this cut and producing a soft blue knit cap, placing it over my son’s head.

“Giorgio, take him to Catarina. He is your responsibility.” I said, looking back over my shoulder. My son was safe. Now it was my turn to make sure he stayed that way. Picking my son up, I kissed the top of his head before handing him to Axel. I watched as Axel quickly left with Colin, and when they were out of sight, I reached behind my back, pulled out my two bowie knives, and started walking back towards the house.

Death had arrived, and I wanted blood.



All the love that had just been running through me fled as vengeance and retribution filled my veins. The urge to kill became so prominent that I couldn’t see the difference between right and wrong. Not that it mattered. My son was safe, and these fuckers were about to pay.

I had held onto a lot of anger since Catarina’s return, and now it was time to let it flow freely. These mother fuckers hurt my woman, took my son, and nothing was going to save them from the death they deserved.

Instead of witnessing the reunion of my son with his mother, I was going to make sure their lives were safe. That every threat to them was eradicated. I was at my fucking limit with scumbags like them. People that believed they could take what they wanted and get away with it. Fuckers who thought that their money made them safe. Sick fucks who loved to torment and torture the innocent to show their superiority. Never again would my woman be subjugated to men like them. Their days of dominance and cruelty were over.

I spotted several men in black tailored suits walking up to the house. Each was capable of ripping someone apart with their bare hands. I didn’t know who the fuck they were, nor did I care as they let me pass as I walked into the house.

My brothers were all standing around, waiting. Salvatore was standing next to a big fucker I’d never seen before. The stranger looked at me, nodded, and said nothing as I spotted my prey.

The slimy fat fucker was tied to a fucking chair. His bitch of a wife crying uncontrollably next to him. They were mine.

“Make it quick, Player,” Massacre said. “We don’t know when the cops will arrive.”

I didn’t give a fuck.