Page 61 of Player

My heart was beating fast.

I was sure she could hear it.

Kissing her cheeks, eyes, and nose, my hand trailed down her waist to her hips. Moving my lips to hers, I trailed soft kisses down her neck to her waiting breasts.

Catarina moaned as my mouth suckled her nipples.

Taking my time adventuring across her body, exploring every part of her, I was driving her body insane. She couldn’t control what was happening to her body any more than I could stop what was happening to mine. My body was on fire, raging for her, and when my mouth suckled her nipple, whipping my tongue over it, she cried, “Oh God!”

Sucking hard on the nipple, she whimpered in desire. She shivered as my hand traveled down her oversensitive body, stopping at her pussy.

“Open your legs wider, Catarina. Let me in,” I coaxed. Moving her legs, Catarina gasped as my hand rubbed her clit. Although she was still sensitive from earlier, I quickly brought her to another orgasm, coating my hand once again with her juices.

The anticipation of what was about to happen drove her crazy, the waiting unbearable. My mouth was driving her nipple crazy, turning it into a stiff little peak. Waiting for what seemed like an eternity, my finger slid between her lips.

She gasped. “Oh!”

Teasing her clit, I elicited another moan from her as she closed her eyes, and another tremor wracked her body.

“You liked that, didn’t you?” I asked, lifting my mouth from her hard nipple, and flicked her clit again.

“Oh God,” Catarina moaned, clutching my shoulders. “What are you doing to me?”

I chuckled as I went back to nibbling her nipple with my teeth. My finger moved up and down over her slit. My finger began to move rapidly, causing her to writhe under me. The exotic feelings traveling within her were too much. Too many sensations and it was all too much for her. I added another finger. Moving my fingers faster inside her wet pussy, my thumb rubbed against her sensitive clit as she moaned loudly, “Reggie.”

“What do you need, Catarina?” I asked. My mouth was nibbling her ear as I finger-fucked her dripping pussy. “Do you want my cock, sweetheart? You want my dick slamming in and out of your sweet pussy like my fingers?” I asked, moving them faster.

“Tell me what you want, Catarina?” I said, pulling my fingers from her body and gripping her clit, pulling at it as she cried out.

Catarina was so lost in the deep well of bliss. Panting, she lifted against me. I nipped playfully at her ear as I drove her pussy further into oblivion. “Tell me, Catarina, do you want my hard cock?”

“I want…Oh God, I want….” She couldn't think. Her body writhed uncontrollably underneath me. A sheen of sweat coated her body. Her breath was erratic, and I swore I could actually hear her rapidly beating heart. I knew she couldn’t take much more. I could tell she was on the cusp of something spectacular. She craved it, wanted whatever it was. My finger was moving so fast, playing her like a violin as her body sang for me.

“Tell me what you want, Catarina….”

“I want to come. I want your hard cock fucking my pussy!” she screamed, pushing hard against my thrusting hand. “Oh God, Reggie. I want to come.”

I kissed her softly. “Ask, and you shall receive,” I said, going harder and faster against her wet pussy. Catarina moaned into my mouth as her body pressed tightly against mine. I pinched her clit, sending her over the edge.

Catarina screamed as the pleasure of an explosive orgasm erupted within her.

I kissed her while she was coming, ensuring my hand never stopped moving between her legs. She was a beautiful sight to behold as pleasure overtook her. Her body radiated, glowed. The serene, peaceful look as she allowed me to take control and show her pleasure was a true gift. I was mesmerized by her.

I stopped moving my hand, but I didn't take my fingers from her. I kissed her gently then rolled between her legs. Finally pulling my hand from her pussy, she moaned. Leaning up on my elbow, I stroked her face, kissing her and touching her. Her skin was like silk as she slowly spread her legs further.

When Catarina began to whimper, I cooed her, soothing her with soft kisses.

“I’m going to fuck you now, Catarina. I am going to stick my dick in your wet pussy and fuck you. Do you want my cock?” I asked.

“Oh please, Reggie, fuck my pussy,” she whimpered.

Grabbing my rock-hard shaft, I nudged her wet lips apart and began to slowly enter her.

She was very tight as her hot, silky cunt drew me in. I knew I should take my time. I wasn’t a small man by any means, but Lord help me, I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to.

She whispered as she began to slowly move beneath me.

The motion of her hips drove me over the edge. I wanted to be gentle with her. To show her what she meant to me. To cherish her, but when her legs came up around my waist, there was nothing I could do as her pussy drew me deeper into her tight core.