Page 27 of Giovanni

“My brother called for Ravage, didn’t he?”

“Yes, he did. Ravage showed up last night.”

“So, what’s the problem?”

“Too many of them. Not enough of us.”

“Can you do it?”

“Possibly, but we could take on losses, and Reaper isn’t willing to do that. He said he’s lost enough brothers already. The rest of the brothers agree.”

“You need help then.”

“Any ideas?”

“One. Give me twenty-four hours.” I grinned, turning to look at the door.

“You have twelve. Reaper wants to go in at Sunrise. Are Player and Massacre playing well together?”

“They are more worried about their cousin than me.”

“I knew they would run to Valentinetti.”

“You were right. They are first cousins. Their mother is the sister to Valentinetti’s dad. They were raised here. In this same compound.”

“Reaper is going to flip when he finds out.”

“Just keep Reaper under control, and everything will be fine. This will end soon enough. I just hope when it does, it wasn’t all for nothing.”

“Agreed. Check-in when you can now that I know you are safe. And Layla, be careful. From what I’ve learned about Valentinetti, he doesn’t do well with liars.”

“And I am the biggest lie of the bunch.”

“Yes, you are. Watch your back.”

“I will. I’ll call when I can. Bye.” I sighed, disconnected the call, and placed the phone on the nightstand next to the bed. I wondered if all this planning and subterfuge was for nothing sitting on the bed. I had a pretty good idea who the mastermind was, but I was forced to play this stupid game without proof and no evidence.

The fact of the matter is this whole web of lies centered around something that none of us foresaw. We knew the Golden Skulls were stuck in the middle of a significant power play between two families that started a war several years ago, all because of a deal gone wrong.

The descendants were left with the aftermath, and to survive the coming battle, we all needed to be prepared. Kitty was doing her part to protect her family, and now I needed to do mine.

Yes, I was the biological daughter of Angelo Capribella, but genetics didn’t make me family. Angelo Capribella was a sadistic piece of shit, and when I put a bullet in his head, I would finally be at peace. I wanted nothing to do with the man or where he came from. I wasn’t one of them and never would be. I was something altogether different. I was my own person. I wanted my own life. Not one I inherited. To gain my freedom, Angelo Capribella needed to die. Now, I just needed to make sure that happened.

Getting to my feet, I carefully opened the door and checked the hallway. The house was dark as it seemed as everyone had retired for the evening. Quietly as I could, I left my room and turned right, knowing where I was going. I had studied this house for months. I knew every room, closet, and cupboard.

Heading for the stairs, I carefully descended them, ensuring I was alone. As I swiftly moved towards the solid wooden door at the end of the long hall, the house was quiet.

His office.

And if I was right, he would be waiting there for me, watching me from one of the video screens. I gave him enough to know not to trust me, and if everything I learned from Giovanni Valentinetti was true, he would be sitting at his desk, watching me as I made my way towards him.

This right now was the part of the plan I wasn’t so sure of. It was a coin toss. He would either kill me on the spot or become my biggest ally. Either way, I was about to find out.

Reaching the door, I took a deep breath and entered to find the man of the hour right where I knew he would be, only I didn’t expect to see him holding a gun aimed right at my head.

“I’ve been waiting for you.” He said as I heard the click of the gun as a bullet filled the chamber.

I guess I got my answer.