In her excitement to get into the water, she’s left herself out of arm’s reach from it, and I know from her tone my life wouldn’t be worth living if I didn’t pick up for her.
She’d never let me live it down if she missed this New York thing.
I answer and ask whoever it is to hold on a sec while I move outside, handing the phone to an already puffed-looking Abby, who snatches it from my hand.
Slapping her wet feet and body inside as she shoos me away, closing the big glass door behind her.
“You’re welcome,” I sigh, wondering if it’s the call she’s been waiting for.
Wondering if our girl’s weekend is over before it’s even started.
But turning to face the pool, I can see Kane’s dark eyes blazing with the same intensity I saw earlier.
I instantly flush red, knowing how gross I look and feel.
But he doesn’t look like a man who’s grossed out.
I don’t know which is worse, the idea of Kane thinking I’m fat and horrible, or if he actually would go for a short, thick-set younger girl half his age.
Both thoughts make me tremble, and leaping into lukewarm or even cold water right now is the last thing on my mind.
Even though I tell myself, I feel so weird so suddenly because it’s so hot out here compared to inside.
I need to sit down…Gotta get myself together.
I make a bee-line for a deck chair, almost collapsing into it while trying to avoid Kane’s eyes that I can still feel on me.
It’s not a bad feeling. Just one I can’t hide from him or Abby, and I feel my entire body starting to shiver.
The heat between my legs gets unbearable once Kane speaks up, forcing my attention back to him.
“You coming in?” he calls over, peeling off his shirt with that amazing smile of his and making me literally moan aloud.
My bare flesh in full sun is impossible to pull off, but Kane looks like he was made for walking around half-naked.
He looks perfect. He is perfect, dammit.
He tosses his tee aside, and with the same graceful athleticism his daughter has, he dives head first into the deep end, shooting himself the entire length of the pool twice before coming up for air.
“I thought it was girls only,” I tease him, finding some courage and relief when he smiles as he treads water. I can’t help but smile back.
“I can have a few minutes before she kicks me out, can’t I?” he asks, and I feel my head nodding again.
Knowing I’d agree to anything Kane could come up with. Knowing I have a few more minutes with him alone makes me swoon inside again.
“I think that might bethecall,” I remark, tactfully avoiding having to get up and get into the water.
Not wanting Kane to see how ungraceful I am in the water compared to him or Abby.
Let alone how much I stick out like a pale, puffy lump by comparison.
But Kane’s brow darkens.
“Kinda sucks if it is,” he observes, “I mean…if Abby’s just gonna take off, I mean. What about our…I mean, your weekend together?” he asks, letting his words slip just enough to see me do a double take.
Did he just say what I think he said?
Kane gulps in a mouthful of pool water, squirting it out like a fountain as he narrows his eyes on mine again.