That strange look she gave her dad and me when she first walked in is all over her face again.

“…I mean…Mr. Gray…,” I correct myself, feeling like this might be the weekend from hell if Abby’s gonna be weird about me including her dad in our conversations.

But her dad did tell me to call him Kane.

And as distinguished asMr. Graysounds, I think we’re all adults enough to use first names.

Don’t you, Abby?

I guess not.

Abby’s expression sours, but only for a bit.

“So what’syourbig news, Dad?” she sighs, rolling her eyes in my direction.

“I won’t be going back to work,” Kane says. “I’ve officially retired,” he adds. His deep voice makes the news sound even more permanent.

“Retired?” Abby scoffs, but her eyes widen with some shock. But probably only because it outdoes her own big news.

“Yup,” Kane replies, shooting me a smile and a little wink.

“It means you’ll be seeing a lot more of me around more often,” he explains, broadening his smile.

And something inside me feels like seeing more of Kane could never be a bad thing.



I’m happy for Abby. I really am.

She’s my only daughter, and I love her like nothing else.

Right now, the only thing I want to be doing is talking to her best friend, Jen.

My Jen.

I surprise myself by actually feeling annoyed when Abby pulls up.

Any other day of the week, and I’d be hustling to meet her before she even gets out of her car.

But today’s different, and as much as I hate to say it, I’d rather just have it be Jen and me.

For a couple of hours, at least.

The time we’ve spent together already has flown by.

I guess I really do just want her all to myself.

Not just physically, either. Jen’s smart and fun to talk to. She’s just great to be with.

I can see why Abby loves her so much as a best friend.

On the other hand, as her father, I’m not sure I like the idea of Abby just upping and heading off to New York on her own either.

I know, I know. She’s old enough to make her own decisions, butNew York?

It sounds like a great opportunity and all. But….