Page 16 of Fast & Sexy

“No, he’s not my boyfriend. I really don’t know what to call him actually. I guess he’s one of those friends with benefits? The benefits that I’m starting to realize are when it benefits him. I’m sorry I called and bothered you tonight. You didn’t have to come here. I would’ve just called an Uber to get home.”

“I’m glad you called me. And I’m taking you home. Now.” I climbed off the stool, keeping my arm around Madi to keep her steady, and waved the bartender over to pay her tab.

As I drove her home, Madi sat right up next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. I got her keys when I parked in my driveway. I climbed out and opened the passenger door. When she climbed out and stood up, she swayed.

“Hold on to me Madi,” I said and wrapped my arm around her little waist and half walked, half carried her.

I unlocked her door and when we entered, Madi’s face suddenly went pale. “I think I’m going to be sick.” She croaked out then clamped a hand over her mouth and ran to her bathroom.

I followed close behind and found her kneeling in front of the toilet and puking. She flushed the toilet and began to cry. “I’m such a stupid… Go away, Ben.”

I knelt down next to her as she began to wretch again. I gathered her pretty brown hair, in my hands and gently pulled it away from her face. “No. I’m staying right here until you’re done. Then I’ll tuck you in bed.”

I felt so bad for Madi. I couldn’t count how many times I hugged the toilet after getting so fucked up I felt like I was dying. She threw up some more, and when she was done, I scooped her up into my arms and carried her to the bedroom. I laid her down on the bed gently and pulled her heels off, then pulled the comforter over her.

She was crying and sniffled. “Ben, please don’t go.”

The sound of her voice was like a punch to my chest. I sat down on the edge of the bed and curled a lock of her hair around her ear. “I’m right here Madi. Just sleep.”

“Will you hold me until I fall asleep? Please?”

I kicked my shoes off and climbed in the bed. I held her in my arms and she laid her cheek on my chest. She cried for a few minutes longer and finally fell asleep. I sent Travis a text, then shut my eyes and fell asleep too.

I opened my eyes with my arms wrapped around Madi. She stirred and opened her eyes and when she looked up at me, she squeaked and jumped out of the bed. She ran into her bathroom and I heard her brushing her teeth as I sat up.

Madi came back, wearing a fuzzy robe. Her pretty long hair was a mess and she looked both adorable and sexy at the same time. I just then pictured her lying beneath me as I sunk myself deep inside of her. I had to get that image out of my mind and focused on putting my shoes back on.

She came over and sat down next to me and covered her face in her hands. “I’m so embarrassed about last night. You always come to my rescue Ben.”

“That’s what friends do Madi. We look out for each other. Don’t be embarrassed. I’ve had my fair share of toilet hugs.”

She threw her arms around me. “Thanks, Ben. I can always count on you.”

I held her. The fuzzy robe was soft and her hair smelled so good. I wanted to kiss her, touch her, but I wanted to know more about this Alex dude who stood her up the night before.

“Is this Alex guy a serious thing?” I asked.

Madi released me and leaned away. “No. I really don’t know what we are. But I’ve always been at his beck and call. Last night was the first time he’s stood me up though. And I probably won’t hear back from him for the whole week before he decides to call me again. It’s my fault though. I just keep going back for more and I feel crappy about myself afterward.”

She looked down into her lap, and her eyes welled up with tears. I tilted her chin up and swiped my finger to brush away the tear on her cheek “He doesn’t deserve you Madi. You should come first. Please don’t cry. You’re so pretty, you’ve got common sense, and you’re fun to hang out with and my friends like you. I like you. Very much.”

Her sad eyes lowered to look at my mouth and it was like she was pulling me to her. I leaned in and kissed her soft lips.

Chapter 7


Itwastwoweekslater as I sat in my kitchen with Carly when I called Alex.

“It was last minute. I had to catch a flight and lock in this deal with a very important client of mine.” Alex said over the phone. He was justifying his reason for standing me up that night a few weeks ago.

“You could have called me. Or even send me a text! That was so inconsiderate.” I fumed, gripping my cell phone.

“I’ll make it up to you. How about next weekend? My calendar is open.”

“Make it up to me? You have to fit me into your calendar?”

“We were never exclusive Madison, and I’m a very busy man.”