Page 20 of Dane

“No.” Rory cut me off. Both Nolan and Gina looked at her. “I’m taking Anna and Michael up to my beach house.”

Michael pulled away from Rory, reaching out to me, “I wanna stay here wiff Daddy!”

Rory let him go as he climbed onto my lap then wrapped his arms around my neck.

My eyes pierced Rory with a stern glare. “Do you expect me to let you just leave and take my son away from me? You know that’s impossible, right?”

“He’s my son too, Dane.” She said, her jaw set as fresh tears fell.

Moments later, I felt Michael’s arms go slack, and he fell asleep. I carried him and followed Gina up the stairs, then down the hall to one of many spare rooms in the multi-million-dollar home. I tucked him under the blankets in a king-sized bed but left the door half ajar.

Gina crossed her arms, her shoulders dropped. She looked just as exhausted as Rory, with dark shadows under her eyes. “They’ll be safe here.”

I placed my hands on her shoulders, “When I’m not here, don’t let them out of your sight. Promise me, Gina.”

She hugged me tightly. “I promise, brother.”