Page 9 of Dane

Anna smiled and took Michael’s hand. “Yes, Rory.”

Dane left his bag at the front door and followed me into the kitchen. He stood by the big bay windows. The double doors were open, and the smell of the ocean breeze wafted into the kitchen. I stole a moment to look at him as he stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, watching Anna and Michael walk out to the beach.

I opened the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of eggs. “How do you like your eggs?” I cracked a few into a bowl and started scrambling them with a fork.

Dane walked over and sat at the bar in the middle of the kitchen. His wrinkled charcoal grey shirt hugged his broad shoulders, looking as exhausted as I felt. “We’ll stay here for a few days. I’ll make a few phone calls and get some of my men over here too. Nolan and Gina are flying back home from Maui tomorrow. I’ll give them a call as soon as they land.” He rubbed his hands down his face. “I need a god damn shower.”

I poured the eggs into a pan on the stove and pointed to the hall. “There’s a bathroom down the hall and up the stairs.”

Dane nodded his head before turning and leaving the room. Twenty minutes later he returned, his hair wet and combed back, wearing a black t-shirt and jeans. He looked rejuvenated and so ruggedly handsome.

He sat back down at the kitchen bar, and I served two plates of scrambled eggs, fresh-cut fruit, and a cup of coffee. I sat down across from him and caught his fresh, clean scent that made my stomach flutter. We ate our breakfast in silence, listening to the sound of the waves crashing on the beach and Michael’s distant laughter.

We sipped on our coffee when Dane finally asked me, “What have you told Michael about me, if anything?”

“I’ve never said anything bad about you. Only that you’re a very busy man; he’s still a bit young to understand any more than that.”

“What did you plan on telling him when he did get old enough to understand?”

“I didn’t plan that far ahead.”

“He looks likes me, huh?”

“Spitting image.”

Dane put his coffee down and took my hand. “I should hate you. But I can’t. You bore me a son.” He looked out the window, watching Michael play with Anna on the beach. “My parents have been long dead and buried for years. Gina is my blood and the only real family I’ve had. Sure, we have relatives, uncles, aunts, cousins scattered from the East Coast to the West. But I only keep them at a safe distance.” His dark, handsome eyes steered back to me. “After that one night we spent together, you were always in my thoughts, Rory. I want to spend time with our son, and I want to know more about you too. And I promise I will keep you and Michael safe.”